Surprise in the post today!
From 2017 to 2019/20 my CRV was insured with Aviva.
Out of the blue I received a cheque in the post for £47.xx
It turns out that they charged me a few pounds per year more than they should have.
The total overcharge was some £28.10 - to this they added interest at 8% per annum and paid HMRC some £3.60 - the total on the cheque was for just over £47.
It's all to do with charging old customers more than new customers.
Not a fortune but 7+ gallons in the tank.
Happy days
>> It's all to do with charging old customers more than new customers.
I wouldn't be too thrilled - I'm convinced this rule is behind most people's insurance premiums leaping up this year.
Not in itself, but the way things used to work is you could shop around and get a new customer introductory discount.
Now insurers can't give that discount any more as it makes the premium lower than for their existing customers so shopping around has, in many cases, become a fruitless exercise.