Computer Related > VOIP? Computing Issues
Thread Author: Mapmaker Replies: 9

 VOIP? - Zero
>> I'd speak to your alarm company, they probably can switch it to mobile rather than
>> landline.

Yup, its probably upgradeable, and if connected via the net, will offer you shed loads of nice to have features, like remote monitoring, remote reset, activate, disarm, all from the comfort of your mobile phone.
 Messages Author Date
 VOIP?  Mapmaker 23 Feb 23 10:44
 VOIP?  Falkirk Bairn 23 Feb 23 11:12
 VOIP?  smokie 23 Feb 23 11:47
 VOIP?  Mapmaker 23 Feb 23 12:00
 VOIP?  sooty123 23 Feb 23 12:06
 VOIP?  Zero 23 Feb 23 13:17
 VOIP?  Zero 23 Feb 23 13:28
 VOIP?  smokie 23 Feb 23 12:53
 VOIP?  VxFan 23 Feb 23 12:46
 VOIP?  Mapmaker 28 Feb 23 16:11
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