Non-motoring > Washing machines again Miscellaneous
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 Washing machines again - -
Well our faithful old Bosch washer finally started to give some trouble after around 14 years.

The start button was playing up, plus it never did add enough water to the wash in our opinion so extra water was manually added once the cycle started.

Given its age we decided not to invest any money in it, it might not have been the switch at all but something else and investing any money seemed pointless.

We had already pencilled in a Meile or ISE, both models of which have 10 year parts and labour guarantees.
We went and looked at the Meile again, and it seems to have changed from a LH hinged door to RH, which is no good for us, could have sworn it was L handed last year but seeing as i'm losing the plot rapidly....

There were other reasons for rejecting Meile, mainly you are stuck with their own workshop people as they will not make their software available to others, and parts costs if needed, my research found some unbelievable repair costs out of warranty..

So about a month ago we phoned up the local appliance man and ordered an ISE 1607W
you can't buy these machines from Comet or similar, only from ISE or directly from their local agent, who are all proper domestic appliances repair workshops.

Anyway, it was delivered, fitted and tested in situ by the nice chap, and SWM is happy with it, solid piece of kit, and easily programmed for extra water in the wash cycles, working well and remarkably quiet.

Here's hoping we don't need to claim on the warranty.

As a bonus the chap who installed the new one supplies cheap used machines for the elderly via Age Concern, he was pleased it was an old school Bosch so a simple enough (for him) repair and our old machine will be doing good service for someone who hasn't got the loot for new.

 Washing machines again - bathtub tom
>>supplies cheap used machines for the elderly

That information should make a lot of us here happy. ;>)
 Washing machines again - Dog
We took over the previous bods Beko when we moved here about 10 months ago (already!)

Its an arf decent 1200 spin AA class jobbie, and it seems to 'do the job'.

Recently it started making this God awful noise which sounded like the bearing actually breaking up!

Eh, I cleaned the filter out and found: 1 x paperclip, 2 x plastic curtain hooks, 1 x (what looks like) a drive belt,
and ... 1 x well chewed up 20p piece :(

I dread to think what the impeller must look like (I assume its plastic) so I'll see how it goes during the next few washes, and whip the back orf if need be (I'm ignoring the drive belt!)

 Washing machines again - devonite
The filter should stop things getting to the impellor Doggles! - so if its been "Chewing", check for holes!
 Washing machines again - Dog
Cheers devonike, I can't see any leeks as yet, but I did find an old turnip behind it recently ;)
 Washing machines again - AnotherJohnH
Our cheap Bosch washing machine expired a bit over a week ago
Brushes worn out in six year's some of Mr Siemens handiwork.
The proper ones near 40 quid.
Internet does then for 5 Inc postage_ so far so good
 Washing machines again - VxFan
>> Our cheap Bosch washing machine expired a bit over a week ago

Our Meile washing machine packed up last week after 5 years of faithful service. New brushes required. Good job it has a 10 year guarantee. Only problem was a cock up somewhere between Domestic & General, and Meile. Lack of communication somewhere along the line which meant they took nearly a week to come out to fix it. Had it not been under warranty then it would have cost £150 to fix. Engineer left the old brushes behind in the bin that had worn right down to the metal. £35 ex VAT written on the bag. I could have got them for £20 (inc delivery) from someone on Ebay selling genuine Meile spares.
Last edited by: VxFan on Sun 11 Mar 12 at 18:24
 Washing machines again - AnotherJohnH
>> >> Our cheap Bosch washing machine expired a bit over a week ago
>> Our Meile washing machine packed up last week after 5 years of faithful service. New
>> brushes required. Good job it has a 10 year guarantee.

Not difficult - there's even a video clip at the bottom of this page on espares:

A bit surprised to need torx for the back cover, access to the the 10mm bolts holding the motor on was a bit fiddly (without getting cut on the sharp metalwork), and there was carbon black all over the place from the worn out bushes, but all in all far less work than getting rid and mauling another one into place.

Just a bit disappointed at the life (and cost) of the brushes. I think Mr Siemens is having a laugh.
 Washing machines again - Fullchat
Last thread 5 year old Hotpoint was shaking itself to destruction as the top counterweight bolts had worked loose. Sorted. Since then it started again and it turned out to be the bottom counterweight. Sorted. Then the door seal which was looking a bit manky started to leak down the front. New one sourced with fixing straps in tinternet. All the mank scrubbed from the soap drawer and its comparment with some very smelly limescale remover. Polished up as good as new - well nearly.
Googled 'Fitting Hotpoint door seal' and Youtube clip showing how to dismantle front and fit - simples :-)
Heres hoping we get a bit longer out of it.
Last edited by: Fullchat on Sun 11 Mar 12 at 20:58
 Washing machines again - Roger.
>> Engineer left the old brushes behind in the bin that had worn right down to the metal. >>

The bin had worn down to the metal? ;-)

Yes - I'm a sad old pedant!

Last edited by: Roger on Sun 11 Mar 12 at 21:21
 Washing machines again - -
I feel like a right lazy blighter now, you lot busily fixing your machines and i didn't even loosen the rear screws and have a poke about.

Trying to think of convincing mitigation and failing as usual.
 Washing machines again - AnotherJohnH
>> Trying to think of convincing mitigation.....

No need.

14 years is good going, and it's likely gone to a good home.

For me 6 years isn't enough, and it was an easy fix.
 Washing machines again - Number_Cruncher
>> >> Engineer left the old brushes behind in the bin that had worn right down
>> to the metal. >>
>> The bin had worn down to the metal? ;-)
>> Yes - I'm a sad old pedant!

But, you missed the glaring clanger in that sentence - "Engineer"?

Technician, possibly, but almost certainly not an engineer.

It's a forgivable error, because the companies who send out technician to make repairs in people's houses can charge more if they call their repairmen engineers in their sales blurb.

 Washing machines again - CGNorwich
"but almost certainly not an engineer."


A handy definition of engineer from the Urban dictionary;

Someone who takes the view that if its broken it should be fixed, if its not broken it needs to be taken apart to find out why, theoretically to make future designs not be broken, really to break it so they can fix it.

In general have advanced math and science skills, engineers solve practical problems and design things, not to be confused with scientists, who discover things, or workmen who make things.

The scientist discovers a new material and its properties, the engineer uses this to design a new building, the workman makes the building.

Often engineers have trouble socializing, this is because they speak and think in numbers, and have tendency to "mental multi-task" i.e. Halfway through a conversation they will devote half their brain to designing a better sort of person to talk to.

Whatever it says, if it doesn't have a degree, its not an engineer, its something that wants to feel important.

 Washing machines again - RichardW
Spot on NC!

The guy that mends my washing machine is an engineer..... :-))

And if he's not available, then SWMBO has got two other CEng's in the family to call on.
 Washing machines again - TeeCee
My antique AEG machine that I've been propping up for years finally died of motor failure a few months ago.
Another make where all the parts and manuals are available online. Dead simple inside they are too.

Now got a Samsung, purely due to a ridiculous pricing error at a local electrical goods superstore which happened to be in place at the time the AEG expired. It's a bit of a giveaway that someone's made a boo-boo when they're undercutting their own online operation by 50%.......(!)
The fact that I could take one home with me that evening sealed it.
So far so good and the wife reckons the results it produces are the best of everything we've had to date (Hotpoint, Hoover, Bosch and AEG). I don't think the local power company's going to be too pleased though. The meter doesn't go round anywhere near as quickly as it used to while the washer's running.
 Washing machines again - henry k
>>My antique AEG machine that I've been propping up for years finally died of motor failure a few months ago.
>>Another make where all the parts and manuals are available online. Dead simple inside they are too.
Must be a different AEG to mine!!!
We had years of problems and several new motors before they said " We know know the main board does not like mains spikes. Here is a new one that should solve it" Fortunately I kept one of the new motor that was never installed ( its paid for sir so you can keep it) and that was put in recently.
Not funny when it went into a fast spin with a full load before pump out.
Glad it was all insured.

Recently the gland on the impellor started seeping. Nothing wrong with the motor but a whole new unit required £75+.

AEG is not top of my list for a replacement machine.
 Washing machines again - Dog
I chucked our 15 year old AEG when we moved owse 10 months ago, it was still doing its stuff, but the bearing was shot.
 Washing machines again - Skip
I have usually bought Bosch or similar as I always thought that it was better to buy a quality product. However I think that they seem to have cheapened them now to keep the price down, so next time I will probably buy a cheapy and just dump it when it expires
 Washing machines again - TeeCee
>> " We know know the main board does not like mains spikes. Here is a new one that should solve it"

Ah. That would explain why the motor windings all tested as ok. I had a feeling it was actually a fault with the logic board, but they wouldn't have it.
Unfortunately, the logic board is the one bit I couldn't replace myself as it has to be programmed using their diagnostic system. Pre-programmed ones for older machines are not available.
I'd have ordered one and given it a go otherwise, it wasn't too expensive. The motor wasn't worth considering though.

Mine ran for five years before throwing a fault. The drum dampers became "tired" and the drum smacked the internal drain hose, breaking it. After I swapped those it ran for another two before the alleged motor issue killed it.

I don't mind. I could have bought three of the things for the price of one Miele and I doubt one of those would have put in the requisite 21 years to break even.
 Washing machines again - RichardW
My parents Miele is approaching 20 years old - been faultless, but now needs new dampers (££ from Miele, but not too bad on the 'bay). I suspect a new one will be in order though, but the old could probably be sold on once fixed.
 Washing machines again - Bagpuss
My Siemens washing machine ran faultlessly for 10 years almost to the day before the control board died. I replaced it with a Bosch and, yes, I know Siemens and Bosch are the same products with different front panels.

Before ordering the new one, I spent an hour or so on the internet trying to decipher what the minute spec differences were between different models. After starting to lose the will to live, I just ordered one that was on special offer and with next day delivery.
 Washing machines again - devonite
We recently purchased brand-new off Ebay, a 1600 spin, 6kg load, 12mths free labour and 5yrs free parts, Candy, for £189.00 (should about £3-400 ish). And that included free delivery from Burnley - Cumbria!
Quite happy with it at the mo! - no more watering cans!! - things come out almost fit to wear!
 Washing machines again - madf
We must be lucky Our Bosch has lasted 12 years so far. Must be being used three times day : prevent bearing from drying out. Or summat..:-)
 Washing machines again - Clk Sec
And, a Hoover Electron 1100 washer / dryer purchased in 1987 is still going strong - although an engineer has just carried out a repair and I haven't had sight of his bill yet!
 Washing machines again - Dog
>>We recently purchased brand-new off Ebay, a 1600 spin, 6kg load, 12mths free labour and 5yrs free parts, Candy, for £189.00 (should about £3-400 ish)<<

Is this your w/machine devonike?
 Washing machines again - devonite
very similar! - tis this one

Still up around £300 on Ebay, but some places now have them @ about £250ish!!!
 Washing machines again - Dog
>>Still up around £300 on Ebay, but some places now have them @ about £250ish!!!<<

Good price! - Candy now make most of the Hoover w/machines it seems:
 Washing machines again - madf

£230 Tesco.
 Washing machines again - Dog
 Washing machines again - Clk Sec
>>£230 Tesco.

Plus £19 delivery, but still a good price...
 Washing machines again - VxFan
>> £230 Tesco.

Candy. Good lord! Didn't know they were still going. Had a Candy washing machine years ago.
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