Non-motoring > Another reason for regular eye tests. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: henry k Replies: 5

 Another reason for regular eye tests. - henry k
If your eyesight is getting worse and you delay getting a re test the following may happen.

You may need multiple new sets of lenses if you wish to continue with glasses and see well.

We have always had regular eye test s and always bought the very best lenses whatever the cost.
Due to other health reasons and other factors SWMB has not obtained her latest strength glasses until recently.
She put them on and wow what an improvement but within hours she could no longer tolerate them.
Eventually the reason was identified. The change in the prescription strength was too great for the brain to cope .( no comment ).

The options are a conventional implant in the eyes or:-
A four step increase in the prescription.

A set of lenses that are a quarter of the total strength required and a period of brain adjustment.
Repeat the process with the next lenses another quarter stronger and a further two set of lenses to get to the full correction.

Imagine the response if an optician says you need four new sets of lenses and would you also like spare versions.

We are very fortunate to be able to afford such lenses or go to the best surgeon to get the operation.

So another reason for regular eye tests.
 Another reason for regular eye tests. - Ted

I was in A & E at the Royal Eye Hospital in February as I thought I'd developed a secondary cataract. The man in charge thought so as well and said he could laser it clear in a few minutes but needed permission from my consultant.
I got a fairly quick appointment for March 1st which the clinic tried to put off for 6 weeks at 9.02 on the morning. I kicked off and they told me to come in and they'd fit me in.

They hadn't booked me for a laser but for a fluoroscene test...which turned out to be for soneone else. I was sent for an OTC scan and the technician agreed about the secondary. The doctor in charge thought I didn't have a secondary...score 2-1......and said I had a swelling in the eye. I was to be given an injection in the eye to sort it out.

Got the appointment today for March 27th.

Your life just passes by you as you wait for someone to make up his mind ! Given up reading the paper for the time being.......the font and contrast is too much effort.

 Another reason for regular eye tests. - Cliff Pope
After my father in law's experiences I would be cautious about letting anyone operate on my eyes until I had sought out the best opinion and then got another one.

He was persuaded to have a simple cataract operation - simple process, just a shot with a laser, routine procedure, book you in quickly - but then had problems. A real consultant said the first one had been wrong. He had missed a condition for which the routine operation is inappropriate, and as a result he will now slowly lose his sight and no operation can correct it. He has had to give up driving.

A correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment in the first place would probably have been successful.
 Another reason for regular eye tests. - henry k
SWMBO is already a long time Moorfields patient and if we go for treatment it will be by the best in the land. We have people in the medical world who will advise us.
We take the view that we will self fund whatever the cost. Eyes are so important and it is ££s that the government will not get.
( SWMBO does not drive so that is not a factor.)
 Another reason for regular eye tests. - Dave_
>> A four step increase in the prescription.
>> A set of lenses that are a quarter of the total strength required and a period of brain adjustment.

I took my four-year-old son to have his eyes tested simply because all my family have glasses, even though his eyesight had seemed fine. It turned out he actually needed a very strong prescription in both eyes. They recommended one (not three) changes of lenses: 2/3rds strength initially, then full strength after four weeks.

He took to wearing them straight away and is managing just fine. I appreciate that his eyes (and brain!!) should be more adaptable at such a young age.

We are reliant on the free (to us) NHS service, and so far I cannot fault it.
Last edited by: Dave_TDCi on Sat 10 Mar 12 at 23:51
 Another reason for regular eye tests. - henry k
>>I appreciate that his eyes (and brain!!) should be more adaptable at such a young age.
I will not update SWMO with that info.:-)

A very good move to get him checked out.
The new specs must have made a lot of difference to him.

Not sure how much the NHS will pay re thinner lenses.
SWMBO wants small roundish frames that reduce the thickness of the lens edges but of course these are difficult to source as they are not trendy.
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