Non-motoring > Don't Judge a book........ Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Mr. Ecs Replies: 4

 Don't Judge a book........ - Mr. Ecs
Last edited by: Mr. Ecs on Thu 8 Mar 12 at 15:00
 Don't Judge a book........ - Dutchie
Never have and never will judge a book by its cover.Unfortenately society does.
 Don't Judge a book........ - ....
If it has a glass of wine and a rose on the cover you can usually guess the content.
 Don't Judge a book........ - Lygonos

Safe for work, but might induce insomnia.
 Don't Judge a book........ - Manatee
I always thought that was a daft proverb.

Always judge a book by its cover. Be prepared to change your mind, but in 90% + of cases you won't have to. Why waste time?

Anyway his face rivets gave him away, so I would have been right that time as well :-)
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