Non-motoring > Another good 'un goes.... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 3

 Another good 'un goes.... - R.P.
Phillip Madoc....

Brilliant actor - the one that cracks me up is this one though

How many takes did that take I wonder - he's struggling to control his laughter.

Consummate professional. According to his tribute on BBC Wales news spoke half a dozen languages and filmed one TV series in two languages back to back.

 Another good 'un goes.... - FocalPoint
He was a very nice man, as is his ex-wife, Ruth Madoc.

In my earlier incarnation as an English teacher I directed his son, Rhys, who had a minor part in a school play. Father and mother duly attended one of the performances - no airs and graces, just another pair of proud parents.

From all accounts Philip was a fine actor in a variety of roles.

Sad news indeed to hear of his death.
Last edited by: FocalPoint on Mon 5 Mar 12 at 22:40
 Another good 'un goes.... - R.P.
Ruth was on the BBC Wales version of "Who do you think you are" - she is related to Lloyd George's family from Pembroke way.
 Another good 'un goes.... - VxFan
>> From all accounts Philip was a fine actor in a variety of roles.
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