Non-motoring > In the interests of balance - Marie Colvin Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 10

 In the interests of balance - Marie Colvin - R.P.
Surprised that no-one has mentioned it before really.

But her death seems to be an immense loss to the world - sad beyond belief when respected journalists die, even worse when they die when doing their jobs. There's been much slagging off of the press and corrupt hacks on here over the last few months, her and her ilk are separate breed - working to bring a story out so the world can figure what's really going on out there. I was aware of her (who couldn't be ?) but not familiar with her work (I don't read the Sunday Times) but from the tributes being given, she was clearly something special. A sad day for the proper press/media, let's hope her death sparks something in the international community to do something about Assad.
 In the interests of balance - Marie Colvin - Pat
Very well said RP.

 In the interests of balance - Marie Colvin - Zero
I was going to mention her, I do read the Sunday times.

Like Kate Adie ( and completely unlike Max Hastings ) she believed in getting into the action to write eye witness accounts of what was happening - not for personal glory but to tell the truth.
 In the interests of balance - Marie Colvin - FocalPoint
I have nothing but admiration for Marie Colvin (and her ilk). Articulate, principled, thoughtful and above all courageous. I cannot begin to imagine doing a job such as hers, but it's as well somebody did.

What a loss!
 In the interests of balance - Marie Colvin - Focusless
Nice tribute from a journalist friend here:
 In the interests of balance - Marie Colvin - R.P.
This is the one I found most impressive. Simple, succinct, personal - just right.
 In the interests of balance - Marie Colvin - Meldrew
Ms Colvin also made an inspirational address, at the end of last year, at a service to remember those who had died covering wars over the years. An extract from it, which I found very striking and parahrase here said "Whatever advances are made in the mechanisms and methods of warfare, smart bombs, drones, satellite imagery, nothing changes in the war zones. Stinking craters, blackened buidlings, burned out vehicles. Wives weeping for their dead children, men grieving the loss of their families and over all the smells of death and destruction"
 In the interests of balance - Marie Colvin - FocalPoint
Very well remembered, Meldrew. I heard the extract too, the other day, but could not recall nearly as much detail as you.

Her exact words:

"Despite all the videos you see from the Ministry of Defence or the Pentagon, and all the sanitised language describing smart bombs and pinpoint strikes, the scene on the ground has remained remarkably the same for hundreds of years. Craters. Burned houses. Mutilated bodies. Women weeping for children and husbands. Men for their wives, mothers children."
Last edited by: FocalPoint on Thu 23 Feb 12 at 20:31
 In the interests of balance - Marie Colvin - Meldrew
Thanks for the correct text FP! My paraphrase acceptable - the real text was real Colvin Respect!
 In the interests of balance - Marie Colvin - MD
Nothing ever changes does it? The result is just the same. Technology has only conspired to completely mess up 'normal' life. Greed and religion will end what we collectively, we being the average age here, consider to be 'normal'. More technology = less jobs. No I am not Labour orientated, but Capitalism cannot work and nor can most ideologies due to someone being greedy and changing the structure. Man needs to work. Work is the cure for most ills. The Devil finds work for idle hands to do etc etc etc. We are all on this never ending treadmill just to survive. AND the whole world just sits and looks at basser whatsisname murder his (sic) people.

NOTHING will ever change until a war brings it all back to basics and then after several decades it WILL all happen again. GREED is the problem.

I am going to go out now and bag a Rabbit for the pot. can stick their plastic covered meat where the sun don't shine.


Last edited by: VxFan on Sat 25 Feb 12 at 00:11
 In the interests of balance - Marie Colvin - Dog
>>Man needs to work<<

Nah, I went for a 3 hour walk with the mutt around the moors of Cornwall today,
took some photos with the rather excellent Lumix G2,
bought a new Braun series 3 razor, crazy really because I'm a beardy,
but its well made, works well. and looks nice on the kitchen worktop.

Work is a 4 letter word!
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