Motoring Discussion > Operator Licence Query Legal Questions
Thread Author: Fullchat Replies: 10

 Operator Licence Query - Fullchat
A question for forum HGV drivers.

I'm preparing a presentation to new Traffic Officers on O Licences. Just the basics to give them a good working knowledge.

A question I asked myself; to prepare for the questions, is if an Operator has a restricted licence which is issued to their vehicles used in connection for their trade only why not go for say the standard national licence which gives more flexibility?

I'm sure the answer is simple but my heads spinning. I've looked at the cost implications but can't see anything obvious. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place.

I've got to finish this tomorrow :-O

Last edited by: Fullchat on Wed 1 Feb 12 at 21:30
 Operator Licence Query - Fullchat
Think I might have answered my own query:

You don't need a CPC to hold a restricted licence????
 Operator Licence Query - IJWS14
Thats it, and why we run on restricted.
 Operator Licence Query - -
Hopefully Pat or one of the others will be up to date, its 25 years or more since i took my CPC and got my O licence, what i haven't forgotten will have changed.

Could have a perusal of PDA or Trucknet, if you quickly join Trucknet, free, it opens up several forums not open to those not signed in, i imagine you will find your answers there and if you ask a question it will usually be answered quickly.

Get those matchsticks out or set your alarm if you want Pat, she'll probably be around at 4am or so..;)
Last edited by: gordonbennet on Wed 1 Feb 12 at 21:39
 Operator Licence Query - Fullchat
Thanks GB. I've now found some supporting documentation for my second post.

4am?? Do you mean there is more than one 4 o clock in a day :-]

Only joking I've seen more than my fair share of those over the years. Worst time of the night for the body clock.
 Operator Licence Query - R.P.
I'd offer to e-mail Pat for you but she's probably in her jimjams by now ! :-)
 Operator Licence Query - Pat
I don't wear jimjams RP ;)


If you have time to have a quick look at this before you go off to work you are quite right.

With a restricted operators licence you don't have to hold, or employ a CPC holder, so there is a considerable cost saving.

In addition the financial requirements are much less as well.

It also means they can get away with pleading ignorance over the legal requirements as to drivers hours and maintenence but that's just an aside;)

Hope this helps.

 Operator Licence Query - Pat
You can find the financial requirements here

 Operator Licence Query - Fullchat

Thanks for that. Now I'm off to work at a much more sociable start time :-)
 Operator Licence Query - Fullchat

Thank you for the link. Very informative website. All questions now answered.
 Operator Licence Query - Pat
It's a lot easier to navigate than Business Link;)

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