Non-motoring > Another Great British comedy about to be ruined Miscellaneous
Thread Author: VxFan Replies: 17

 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - VxFan
Only Fools And Horses to be made into a U.S version.

The show could see U.S. versions of Del Boy, Rodney and Uncle Albert using expressions such as 'tool' instead of plonker and 'awesome' instead of lovely jubbly.
And the loveable rogues are more likely to live in an apartment than a block of high-rise council flats.

Mon Dieu! Grandad would turn in his grave if he found out about this.

Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 30 Jan 12 at 13:53
 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - Meldrew
If we are lucky we'll never get to see it! I rather approve of Grandad in his grave - whiney old grump. Uncle Albert was much better in IMO! What is the US equivalent of a a Reliant I wonder? An AMC Pacer perhaps?
 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - Old Navy
No, the AMC Gremlin, I once had the misfortune to drive one for a few days..
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 30 Jan 12 at 14:14
 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - Meldrew
You are right ON! That is even worse than the Pacer!
 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - sajid
any 1 seen the latest comedy from david jason> the royal bodyguard, it reminds me of the pink panther movies inept clousea and his boss, who wants hom out shot etc,

The royal body guard, pink panther renewed
 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - VxFan
>> anyone seen the latest comedy from david jason - the royal bodyguard,

Yes, it's carp and a waste of that man's acting ability.
 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - corax
>> What
>> is the US equivalent of a a Reliant I wonder? An AMC Pacer perhaps?

There isn't an equivalent. Only Fools and Horses was uniquely British, it should be left like that. I watched a few minutes of the american version of The Office. It doesn't work, because they don't have the same sense of humour.

 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - Zero
Whats the beef

OF&H finished here as a series 20 years ago . The last new christmas special was 9 years ago, its been the subject of so many re-runs I have lost count and is now relegated to sporadic showings at lunch time for the residents of the old folks home.

Is a new American series, loosely based on the concept, that may never be shown over here anyway really worth getting all Daily Mail outraged over?

 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - corax
>> Is a new American series, loosely based on the concept, that may never be shown
>> over here anyway really worth getting all Daily Mail outraged over?

Yes, I am extremely upset. It was ours, ours dammit, and it was plucked cruelly from our grasp...

 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - Old Navy
>> Yes, I am extremely upset. It was ours, ours dammit, and it was plucked cruelly
>> from our grasp...

Don't protest too loudly, call me Dave may be looking for a new war, and although we know the USA is a no win job he might be daft enough to try it on. :-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 30 Jan 12 at 18:51
 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - Meldrew
Because outrage and hyperbole are the Mail's stock in trade!
 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - CGNorwich
As one of the few people who, whisper it quietly, think David Jason only mildly amusing at best am not too fussed what they do with the wretched program. About as funny as Last of the Summer Wine.
Last edited by: CGNorwich on Mon 30 Jan 12 at 20:51
 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - Bromptonaut
>> As one of the few people who, whisper it quietly, think David Jason only mildly
>> amusing at best am not too fussed what they do with the wretched program. About
>> as funny as Last of the Summer Wine.

David Jason was at his comic best with Sheila Steafell on week-ending. TBH I think he's better as a straight actor in Frost.
 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - Armel Coussine
>> About as funny as Last of the Summer Wine.

Not even. More like that other thing about the disgusting old totter and his pansy-sounding son. About that funny, and in fact occupying the same social territory.

The most offputting thing was the Reliant Robin (no offence RR, I don't mean you).

Great British Comedies only last a few episodes. After that you can get a bit tired of them, even Monty Python or Fawlty Towers or AbFab or any of the really good ones.

Artists know that you can't spin these things out for ever, but unfortunately 'suits' don't. And they're the bosses, with the money and the authority.

Less is better actually. Nothing lasts for ever. But TV doesn't understand that.
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Mon 30 Jan 12 at 21:13
 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - Stuartli
...or Fawlty Towers...>>

Just a dozen episodes were made, each one a beautifully crafted and performed masterpiece....:-)
 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - Meldrew
IMO the best episode was the one starring the inimitable Joan Sanderson as the deaf lady who lost some money.
 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - Zero

 Another Great British comedy about to be ruined - VxFan
>> IMO the best episode was the one starring the inimitable Joan Sanderson as the deaf lady who lost some money.

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