Computer Related > OpenOffice v LibreOffice Computing Issues
Thread Author: Arctophile Replies: 2

 OpenOffice v LibreOffice - Arctophile
As I understand it when Oracle took over Sun Microsystems they didn't have much interest in continuing the support of OpenOffice in the way that Sun had done previously. Many of the developers jumped ship and started the LibreOffice fork.

I currently have OpenOffice loaded on one PC and LibreOffice on another – both are adequate for my simple needs.

Does anyone have any views on the future of either?
 OpenOffice v LibreOffice - Zero
There is no difference between the two ~ at the moment ~. This will the case for the short term but of course one can expect them to diverge in feature richness. both however will still do the same job and work to the same file standards

So if your needs are simple the only reason to change your current situation is personal choice.
 OpenOffice v LibreOffice - TeeCee
It wasn't the support that was the problem (it's community developed and supported anyway), it was that the "oh noes, Oracle iz big and evils yes?" types all jumped ship on the spot, rather than hanging on to see how things turned out.

As it happened, as part of the process of digesting SUN, Oracle donated the whole kit 'n kaboodle to the Apache Foundation anyway, rendering all the objections in that area moot.
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