Computer Related > could somebody.... Computing Issues
Thread Author: devonite Replies: 24

 could somebody.... - devonite
Please check if this link / page is working, or is it my computer!

 could somebody.... - Zero
I get a blank page

Its 1-1 by the way, and spurs lost
 could somebody.... - devonite
Cheers Z! - results good for Chelsea! ;-) and yep blank page at this end too!
 could somebody.... - Roger.
Sky Sports here!
Using FF 9.0.1
 could somebody.... - rtj70
What did you try looking at the page with? Not an iPhone or iPad by any chance?
 could somebody.... - Falkirk Bairn
Google is fine - SKY SPORTS
 could somebody.... - Bromptonaut
Sky sport results page?

OK here WinXP + Chrome
 could somebody.... - rtj70
Okay on my phone too. But I had to click to download the plug in... I have not checked but dies the purge use Flash?
 could somebody.... - R.P.
Won't work oniPad works fine on MAcBookPro
 could somebody.... - devonite
I will have to investigate further then! - worked ok yesterday but just blank today, using FF 901 on xp3.
Ran CCleaner last night so might have to re-aquire it via Google and re-bookmark it.

thanks all!
Last edited by: devonite on Sun 22 Jan 12 at 21:29
 could somebody.... - rtj70
I only suspected Flash because I have set up my phone to not download such 'plugins' automatically. A long press loads them. Hence wondering about iPad and iPhone.

I am surprised if it is Flash because of the huge customer base of both. What would Sky be thinking....

... but as an experiment I turned off plugins in Safari on the Mac. The page does not load properly and says you need Flash 9.
 could somebody.... - R.P.
As I said earlier won't work on iPad. Flash.
 could somebody.... - devonite
Must be a Sky-site fault, I can get the Sky sports home page via Google, (and all other asscociated pages) except the score centre page, which is the one i had bookmarked! - never mind the home page is a good work around.
 could somebody.... - Crankcase
A handy little bookmark for these kind of queries is

 could somebody.... - devonite
Thanks! could be quite useful that!
 could somebody.... - rtj70
>> Must be a Sky-site fault... except the score centre page, which is the one i had

Not a fault. It uses Flash and your machine has an issue with Flash. If a PC/Mac/Linux/Unix machine then reinstall Flash?

I assume you're not using an iPad, iPod or iPhone?
 could somebody.... - R.P.
iPad does tell you why it won't work and not a blank screen.
 could somebody.... - Focusless
>> using FF 901 on xp3.

Same as me - fine here.
 could somebody.... - rtj70
So maybe devonite needs to try again and check his Flash installation does not need to be upgraded.
 could somebody.... - Zero
nothing to do with flash,.

Works ok on IE9, does not work ok on Chrome
 could somebody.... - rtj70
I've admittedly only checked on my Mac (Safari) and Android phone with default Webkit browser.... is that a link to why they both work? Both webkit based?
 could somebody.... - rtj70
A further check and the site works on Firefox, Chrome and Safari on the Mac.

Maybe it had a problem earlier and now the URL is just working.
 could somebody.... - devonite
I`ve just been through the entire Sky site tab by tab, and they all work except the score centre. I cant really see it being a "Flash" prob because most of the other tabs are "Flash" based.
I have just run a Secunia psi scan with gives me a system score of 100%, so I know its not something out of date or my machine at fault, I have no probs with other "Flash" pages or sites. so not to worry, I can get by with the Sky home page!!

Cheers for trying though chaps!
 could somebody.... - L'escargot
Works for me.
 could somebody.... - devonite
Ha! - Has suddenly started working again!!! - must have been thier end! ;-)
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