Motoring Discussion > Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 Miscellaneous
Thread Author: diddy1234 Replies: 17

 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - diddy1234
I stumbled across this article stating that fuel will go up to £1.45 a litre next August.

The irony is that where I live diesel is already £1.39 a litre so not much difference there then.

Quote from article :-

'Damien Cox, the firm’s lead energy analyst, told Auto Express: “Prices will go up, especially after the duty increase in August. On average, oil prices will likely be marginally higher in 2012 than in 2011.”'

p.s. my gut feeling is that £1.45 q litre is nothing to what it will be in the height of summer.
I suspect £1.55 to £1.60 a litre for diesel soon.
 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - DP
£1.41 common in my area already, and has been for months.
 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - WillDeBeest
Mine too, DP - although it's 3p less in Bracknell. I've been passing through regularly the last few weeks, so I've been buying my Shell there.

Even another 7p is hardly 'rocketing', is it? About £5 a month at my current rate of use. Other increases (food, domestic energy) are hurting me more than car fuel.
 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - Dog
Fuel prices (on the world market) are up n' down like a tarts knickers,

I keep me beedies on em ( the oil price) cos I have oil heating,

This is the site I use and gives a good indication of 'what's going on'
 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - BobbyG
Just updated my fuel spreadsheet last night (whilst wearing my sad anorak) and noticed that I have been paying £1.379 for diesel since November to present.
 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - nice but dim
>> Just updated my fuel spreadsheet last night (whilst wearing my sad anorak) and noticed that
>> I have been paying £1.379 for diesel since November to present.

Nothing sad about that comrade, I do the exact same. I've noted down every fill cost, number of litres per fill and brim to brim mpg + any maintenance costs and monthly odometer readings since March 2009 (purchase of previous vehicle).

Now thats sad!

On petrol costs though, I have been paying £129.9 since about November too for unleaded, but getting considerably far less MPG than you. I remember when it dropped for £1.09 ish p/l to 82p p/l late 2008.
 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - Stuu
Been paying £1.289 here for some weeks now for UL. I dont like it but I dont think ive seen it cheaper anywhere else, im pretty sure its below the national average.
 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - Bromptonaut
Diesel in Northampton in range 139.9 to 141.9 for a few weeks now with remarkably little variation between supermarket and filling stations.
 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - Boxsterboy
I have more than off-set the price rises by moderating my driving. In my congested-road-heavy driving I used to get an average of 37mpg from the S-Max - not bad from a big heavy auto-box car. Switching off the A/C, going easy on the load pedal, and not going above 65mph has seen my average over the last 1500 miles rise to 49mpg. Which I think is brilliant.
 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - Harleyman
Seen a drop of about 2p/litre for unleaded round here, but if Iran kicks off again it won't last long.

Think I might fuel the pick-up tomorrow while it's still reasonable. That is usually the cue for prices to drop a couple of pence more!
Last edited by: Harleyman on Fri 6 Jan 12 at 22:28
 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - RattleandSmoke
I pay 128.7p at ASDA or 129.9p at one in Urmston (4.5 miles). Still 132.9p near me but was 136.9p till only two weeks ago.

I've noticed the Shell in Didsbury has now gone down to 130.9p so might get some fuel there if I am down that way.

Amazing that even in a city, how fuel prices differ from one suburb from the next.
 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - Robin O'Reliant
I stopped reading Auto Express years ago when I realised they were the Daily Express of the motoring world. Everything they say should be taken with a large pinch of salt.
 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - Mike Hannon
Petrol has already gone up 4-5 cents a litre in France this week. 95 unleaded at supermarkets now at least 1.55 euro and up around 1.70 at ordinary garages.
Luckily, the pound is at last up a bit against the euro but that still means at least £1.25-plus in real money.
Unless you run an oiler it's best to fill up on your side...
 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - Shiny
Even the gipsy-juice is 81p a litre now.
 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - Auntie Lockbrakes
Bizarrely, here in NZ petrol has risen in price by 5c/litre this week, but diesel prices are unchanged.

The cynic in me believes that UK diesel prices have become over-inflated the past few years so as to cash-in on the rapid rise of diesel cars on the UK roads, simple as..
 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - R.P.
Mrs RP's Volvo was filled up by the dealer at cost today - apparently profit's a tenner per tank..
Last edited by: R.P. on Wed 11 Jan 12 at 21:10
 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - RichardW
I got £91.50 diesel in the Xantia this morning - forgot last night and it was right down. Even at inflation it will be near £1.50 by the end of the year. Backlash will come at around £1.67 I expect - then it will cost £100 for a normal fill on a normal car.
 Fuel prices set to rocket in 2012 - swiss tony
>> Mrs RP's Volvo was filled up by the dealer at cost today - apparently profit's
>> a tenner per tank..
That isn't a lot of profit really.
Once the overheads are taken out, very little of that 'profit' is left.

If you don't believe that, then ask yourself why there are very few independently owned fuel stations left, and even fewer that don't have a mini supermarket attached.
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