Non-motoring > Don't they believe in Father Christmas? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Manatee Replies: 31

 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Manatee
I've had my cup of tea and put some bacon under the grill. Grown up children have yet to surface.

After breakfast, a 3 mile walk to the pub and back should set us up for dinner. Rib of beef.

Merry Christmas all, and thank you for reading my ramblings this year, if you have been :-)
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - nyx2k
mine have got up at 10.20am so had some peace before the noise.
merry christmas.
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Zero
Mine dis'nae believe any more, so he is still in bed
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - hawkeye
The 2 sons are playing Halo whatnot. Daughter and Mrs H are reading. I am right here. First Christmas ever with no visitors at all so no pressure to clear the living room of paper and mess. In-laws too poorly to attend. Bro-in-law looking after them. I turned sis-in-law round last year because she had brought her nuisance boyfriend with her so they're not coming, probably ever; depends how long the huff lasts.

Peace, if not reigning, certainly has a working majority:-)
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Zero
I have peeled the spuds, the parsnips, the carrots, prepared the sprouts, put up the table, decorated the dog,

We are but two at the moment, one in bed to make three, another 6 en route, its relatively peaceful and calm right at this moment!
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - nyx2k
first ever christmas with my wife and the 3boys and no visitors at all, all day.
brother at home in oxfordshire with his new wife and new baby.
sister entertaining my parents and the inlaws live in the midlands and are too tight to spend money on petrol or presents for the children, they still upset that we had the temerity to leave the midland for a better life without there chaviness and eternal problems.
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - RattleandSmoke
Its noisy here, so I am being a miserable twit and keeping out of the way. Picked my grandma up and my sister is also staying here.
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Manatee
Presents done, Yorkshire pudding batter made, beef in oven.

Daughter has given me a Tilley winter hat - very impressive bit of equipment, and only makes me look mildly eccentric, just about right ;-)
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Robin O'Reliant
Only me and Mrs RR here (thank God). I got a pair of Berghaus Deluge waterproof trousers, a Bachmann diesel locomotive and a caboose.

Well happy.
Last edited by: Robin Regal on Sun 25 Dec 11 at 15:05
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - madf
Cooked lunch for 5, ate it recovered.


in grey. Last one knackered.

(Spent Christmas Eve pm fitting new timing belt plus water pump to son's 106.)
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Skip
Only the 2 of us today. Lunch eaten, dishwasher loaded and fired up, feel totally stuffed ! Other half gone to visit her father in hospital and i am sprawled out on the sofa watching carp which is all i feel capable of doing at the moment !
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Pat
Christmas lunch went well:)

Pigs in blankets were a bit brown to black but all agreed better over done than under done!

Just seen the family off as daughter in law is back at work at 7am tomorrow, and washed up by boiling kettles as we still have no hot water.

Settling down now to watch Between The Hedges DVD!

 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Harleyman
Obligatory visit to outlaws completed (only ten miles away) mission carried out whilst turkey is cooking giving good excuse not to stay long.

Dinner now cooked by self, eaten by Mrs. H and self, washing-up done by Mrs. H, now 75% down a passable South african rose.

Daughter and kids in Portsmouth (we visited in October) son living and working in Scotland as chef so busy all day,first peaceful Christmas for years!
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Manatee
>> Pigs in blankets were a bit brown to black but all agreed better over done
>> than under done!

Our pigs were delayed (she forgot to put them in) so were eaten as a mezzanine course with the seconds of beef and Yorkshire puds. Just finished - we always end up late.

Christmas pudding will be held over for an hour or two because we are all pogged.

A game of Lexicon beckons. Downturn Abbey will be saved up, as not all are fans.
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Zero
Hmmmmmmmmm Chocolate Coins Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Roger.
@Sis.IL's for Xmas - well fed!
Looking forward to our own military wife, grandchildren & SIL arriving on Tuesday. Another Xmas dinner, this time beef, cooked by us. Only a flying visit as they are back off to BAOR on the 2nd. Jan.
Sigh :=(
Last edited by: Roger on Sun 25 Dec 11 at 20:08
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Armel Coussine
Yesterday was a sort of normal day, somewhat interrupted but even did a bit of work.

I have stayed up later than I meant to making alcoholic marzipan to Mrs Beeton's German recipe.

I have now remembered that the carp hits the fan in a few hours when nippers and such turn up mob-handed and impose Christmas on me a day late.

Damn! Although I knew this was going to happen, I was basking somehow in the feeling that I had got away with it this time. Wishful thinking they call it.
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Pat
Off to bed with you Lud:)

 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Armel Coussine
Night Pat. Morning I mean. Whaddever.

 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Runfer D'Hills
Well, we had the raiding party descend upon D'bout Towers yesterday. Must've been ok. No bloodstains this morning and apparently everyone is still speaking. I even managed to smile and say nothing when some of them started putting lemionade or dry ginger in my best whisky.

My dog, who despite his tender age, was astute enough to fairly quickly figure out who he could dominate, who would give him meat scraps, and anyone who made the mistake of trying to grap a crafty post prandial vertical nap was treated to him getting their full attention by leaping onto their laps and shoving his less than savoury tongue down their throats..

This technique was further enhanced and improved when some of us used him as an excuse for a walk and he returned wet, muddy and revived enough to single out his victims for the "I'm sure you're my long lost friend and will be delighted to be startled into life by my launching myself at you despite the glass of red wine you hold and the sparkly, possibly slightly expensive dress your wearing" sort of greeting.

Good day in all
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Runfer D'Hills
I really must try to remember to put my glasses on before I post in 2012...
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Zero
S-i-L bought Nicole a medieval torture device, akin to the iron maiden, purporting to be an acupuncture kit.

Yantra kit.

Those innocent looking white flower type disks? Actually evil hard spikes.

Junior and I ended up hitting each other with them.

 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Dog
>>S-i-L bought Nicole a medieval torture device, akin to the iron maiden, purporting to be an acupuncture kit<<

Try making love on that for a hightened sexual experience and lemme know how you get on.
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Westpig
My Christmas day started at 0630 with an excited nearly 4 year old. The excited 'high' he was on was a joy to see and even impregnated this miserable old git, who can usually fast forward right through Christmas.

Family day at my sister's and she did us proud....beef joint and a turkey and all the trimmings. Fair do's she made a lot of effort and it was appreciated.

Major incident occurred early evening when my mother managed to drop my wife's brand new Ipad2 that i'd bought her....from about 5 feet, onto a hard wooden floor. It well and truly bounced, before clattering off into a corner. Amazingly, no damage, not even a scratch, but God knows how. I let rip...bad...which caused an atmosphere, so not long after it was time to go.

Is it possible to love someone..and dislike them, all at the same time? This is the same woman who thought it funny to keep rigging me up when I dozed off on the settee after the huge lunch...taking photos with a flash and generally being a nuisance. If someone wants to doze off on Christmas day, why not let them? I'm fast approaching 50, she must know what i'm like by now and what i don't appreciate, why not leave it alone? Or has she got her head stuck so far up her own backside that other people's views don't count?

Despite the hiccup, it was a good day. Got the 4 year old home (only a mile away) and in to bed for 8pm, so missus and I could share the rest of it.. with me having good glass of red (couldn't have any more in case there was a middle of the night dash to the maternity unit...only a week to go now).
Last edited by: Westpig on Mon 26 Dec 11 at 14:19
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Roger.
The REAL Christmas???
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Ted

Went to youngest daughter's yesterday, took some food and we all had a buffet tea. SWM drove so I had a couple of beers then got a thoroughly cricked neck falling asleep on their settee.
Daughter really desperate for her new hob to be in use so I promised a visit today. Worktops went in last week so it was a case of connecting it up and getting the Piezo working which I did after a good cup of coffee. Helped SiL to adjust the cooker hood during which process he fused the power. Sorted and off home.

SWM says I'm wily............I agree, I can escape our house and, because I'm doing stuff for our girl, she can't complain too much.

If SWM's relaxing tomorrow, I might take advantage of the warmer weather and give the garage/workshop a days attention .

 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Zero
I reckon we spent about 100 quid just for food for Christmas day. It fed 8.

Just made 2 litres of spicy vegetable soup with the left over and unused veg, in the freezer, reckon that 6 portions

Tonight we have Turkey and vegetable Tikka - thats 3 meals.

Tomorrow we have gammon and eggs - another three meals. Ham sandwiches packed off to work for two people for two days. Turkey sandwiches for two today for lunch

Reckon thats 26 meals.

Thats £3.84 per meal. Not that bad when you use it all.

 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Robin O'Reliant
>> Thats £3.84 per meal. Not that bad when you use it all.
Extravagant fool.

it's only about £1 a meal to feed a hospital patient.
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Zero
yeah but I am not dying.
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Ted
You might be after eating that lot Monsewer Mange-tout.

SWM knocked up a big plate of bubble and squeak each tonight. I could only manage about a third of mine.

I'm never going to eat again !

 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Runfer D'Hills
Right well, the turkey, the beef and the ham have all now been consumed. The dog is also very content but may now have airs about dried food....

I really fancy scrambled eggs on toast tomorrow night...
 Don't they believe in Father Christmas? - Bromptonaut
Just the four of us plus Mrs B's brother on Xmas day. Boxing Day the same but a bit of a rest as no special dinner etc.

Yesterday my family, Sis and Husband plus three pre teens and my Mum. 11 for a lunch of cold cuts and baked spud. Bit apprehensive 'cos folks don't always see to to eye and nephew has autistic spectrum troubles. But it all went great. The brother out law got teaching nephew to juggle and he responded really well.

Today we've had 14 - Mrs B's family. Bulk serving of lamb tagine kept them all fed and they're now downstairs 'doing music'. Family relationships on the distaff side a bit difficult to describe but we've two teenage cousins on guitars, another cousin on squeezebox & BIL on bones playing now with clarinet and oboe about to join in. Oh and now somebody's playing ragtime on the paino.

Unfortunately my musical talents never got beyond the descant recorder so I'm playing hookey. Don't think I'll be alowed out for too long though!!
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