Non-motoring > Scanning advice for avaitors. And drivers too? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: henry k Replies: 7

 Scanning advice for avaitors. And drivers too? - henry k
Does this aviation advice apply to drivers on the ground ?

This is a great illustration of what was taught about scanning outside the cockpit back in the '50s.
Subjects were told to scan the horizon for a short distance, stop momentarily, and repeat the process.
This was the most effective technique to locate other aircraft.
It was emphasized repeatedly to not fix your gaze for more than a couple of seconds on any single object.
The instructors, some of whom were WWII veterans with years of experience, said to continually "keep our eyes moving and our head on a swivel" because this was the best way to survive, not only in combat, but from peacetime hazards (like a midair collision) as well.
Click on the link below for a demonstration...
 Scanning advice for avaitors. And drivers too? - Zero
yes good advice, you never know when something with a BMW engine is going to swoop on you out of the sun. Damn Hun is so sneaky they don't use indicators, the cads.
 Scanning advice for avaitors. And drivers too? - legacylad
That'll be me then in the 330.
My IAM Observer told me to look at everything but stare at nothing.
I now find myself sweeping my gaze from nearside mirror to offside, via my rearview, then back again. Quite easy really.
 Scanning advice for avaitors. And drivers too? - swiss tony
Scanning is exactly what I do.
Eyes constantly moving from distance to close, right mirror, interior mirror, left mirror, instruments...
No particular order, I also often do a 'life saver' ie a look over my shoulder - a real necessary look on a bike, and one I carry over into 4 wheel transport.
Ideally one should NEVER be taken by surprise whilst driving, but even when scanning as I do miss things occasionally.
 Scanning advice for avaitors. And drivers too? - Robin O'Reliant
I'm constantly scanning as I drive.

Mobile phone, coffee cup, cigarette, radio tuner, pavement totty...
 Scanning advice for avaitors. And drivers too? - Bromptonaut
Not likely to be 'bounced' by a stafel of 109s so limited need to scan above or below but generally that's very good advice.

I try to keep a constant scan to horizon and back again and around A pillar blind spots then to sides and in mirrors. Overbridges need watching for oiks with ill intent. Junctions and interchanges present the indecisive/late leaver and the off the slip straight to lane 3 beemer types with their stage.

One of the early Police, Camera, Action type films shows a 90s motorway pile up. Two or three cars collide initally. Those immediately behind stop but are tail ended by the dozy berks whose attention was focused too close to their own bonnets.

Second cousin of kids now in her early thirties was an ADI for a time and makes same point.

Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Mon 19 Dec 11 at 21:10
 Scanning advice for avaitors. And drivers too? - Fursty Ferret
Wot Bromtonaut said though speedometer every 2-3 seconds. ^^
 Scanning advice for avaitors. And drivers too? - bathtub tom
NEVER look at accidents on the other side of the motorway, let the passenger tell you about them!
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