Non-motoring > Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) Miscellaneous
Thread Author: henry k Replies: 17

 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - henry k

Another reason for not being in the Euro ? :-)

 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - rtj70
A few years ago we went for a short city break to Rome. The locals were wearing warm coats, jumpers, scarves, gloves etc. It was quite mild I thought... I was in shirt sleeves all day, every day, and didn't take a coat out with me when wandering. It was fine for me. Global warming?

But I admit one day when we were still out late evening I started feeling a bit of a chill. But this was late Jan and early Feb 2007. The locals around me at the time looked like they were in the arctic! This was outside the Pantheon. I was waiting to get a good picture after it started getting dark.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Mon 5 Dec 11 at 00:22
 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - Roger.
The Spanish are the same. On the1st October out come the woolly coats and boots!
 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - Dog
Re: the article - you can feel the Liver, if y'all have Hepatitis,

And - years in a hot climate can change your constitution, when we lived in Tenerife for 3.5 years, it would feel cold (to us) coming back to blighty in July & August!
 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - Roger.
We ARE feeling the chill a tad after living on the Cosrta del Sol for 10 years!
OTH I think the cooler climate suits my tension arterial rather better.
 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - Dog
>>I think the cooler climate suits my tension arterial rather better<<

Interesting, I always believed that ya blood thickens up in cold wev (unless y'all drink enough 'anti-freeze' of course!)
 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - Lygonos
Cold weather constricts the peripheral vessels increasing central blood pressure (and also increasing urine output in case you think the cold makes you pee more: it does!).

Partly for this reason blood pressure related deaths are more common in cold snaps in the UK.

However, I seem to recall reading about the Scandinavians not exhibiting such a spike in their death figures due to them being better at staying in when it get's very cold, and using better cold weather clothing, rather than 'manning-up' and going out in 5c in a T-shirt and jeans.

As for the Italians and their maladies - if you're going to retire as a nation at 55-60 you've got to be able to blame something.
 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - henry k
>>However, I seem to recall reading about the Scandinavians not exhibiting such a spike in their death figures due to them being better at staying in when it get's very cold, and using better cold weather clothing,

Makes sense ! I seem to recall a Scandinavian guy saying that if you are cold then you have the wrong clothes on so same message.
 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - Dog
One thing I do remember about the Scandinavians out in Tenerife is that they aren't at all inhibited as regards to nakedness.

 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - madf
My wife works (very) part time as a funeral usher. She is at a funeral this am. Much busier in winter.

The deaths in winter tend to be elderly, housebound, and inactive.

The deaths rest of the year are a mix of elderly/illness and accidents /suicides/drug related.

In summer she may have an average of 1 funeral a week, in winter 4-6.

 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - R.P.
An ill wind etc.
 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - R.P.
As if they knew.
 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - Zero
Its all true about the Italians.

Nicole and I went on the aptly named Circumvesuviana train from Sorento to Napoli. It was a sunny September day, and the train got hot. Not too hot for the locals tho, who because it was September, were all wrapped in woolly jumpers and scarves,. We remarked at the time they were round the bend.
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 14 Dec 11 at 08:30
 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - Dave_
>> In summer she may have an average of 1 funeral a week, in winter 4-6

The death announcement columns in local papers are noticeably longer in the winter, even though almost all the folk mentioned will have lived indoors in centrally-heated warmth for years.

All the (elderly folks') funerals I have been to were in the winter or early spring.
 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - sherlock47
The death announcement columns in local papers are noticeably longer in the winter, even though almost all the folk mentioned will have lived indoors in centrally-heated warmth for years.

So is the correlation with cold weather or living in over (centrally) heated accommodation?
 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - Dog
>>So is the correlation with cold weather or living in over (centrally) heated accommodation?<<

Queen Victoria 'embraced' the cold and positively thrived at Balmoral Castle in the shire of Aberdeen,
she lived to 81 years of age,

Ya gotta hand it to them Germans ;)
 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - sooty123
Having read that, it sounds like they are nation of hypercondriacs !
 Italy's exclusive ailments (medical or mental?) - Mike Hannon
We got in a row with other passengers on a bus in a suburb of Paris a couple of years ago when SWMBO opened the window - on a hot day in July when the bus heating was on!
Many French people suffer a strange malady called 'heavy legs', which seems to be unknown outside France. Hasn't hit here yet.
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