Computer Related > Deleting Music files from iPod Touch Computing Issues
Thread Author: Meldrew Replies: 11

 Deleting Music files from iPod Touch - Meldrew
I am aware the device has to be connected to a computer to do this bit I can't find out how to. Any step by step instructions would be helpful - I don't like Gangsta Rap!
 Deleting Music files from iPod Touch - Zero
You need to have Itunes installed on the PC.

Connect the touch, Itunes comes up and you can do it from there.

 Deleting Music files from iPod Touch - Meldrew
Thanks Zero I have got itunes on the computer but I can't follow the option boxes, ticking and synch modes that I am being offered. I have got the 200+ page manual downloaded but even that isn't too clear! It seems to that I have to select items and then do a Sync which will get them off the ipod but keep them on my computer, is that about right?
 Deleting Music files from iPod Touch - rtj70
There's a few ways you can configure iTunes to sync. I used to have mine set to 'Sync only checked songs and videos'. And then select which ones to sync.

When you go to the Device itself in iTunes, the Sync Music option is set to sync 'Entire Music Library'.

I assume all the music on the iPod is in the iTunes library you are syncing with. Don't want to delete all the music by mistake.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Sun 23 Oct 11 at 18:44
 Deleting Music files from iPod Touch - Zero

>> but keep them on my computer, is that about right?

pretty much yes if thats the way you got them on there,
 Software download causes i pod to lock every time. - Meldrew
Thanks. There is now a new problem, ongoing. Every single time that I download an update to my i pod software the thing locks up and the screen shows a USB connection and an I tunes symbol. None of the ways to force a re-set, as described in the manual works (page 214) Last time I had to go an Apple outlet and pay someone £10 to unlock it. Any ideas on this one please. The suggested action of holding the button the front and on/off at the top right, together, and until the Apple logo appears and then releasing them - doesn't work
 Software download causes i pod to lock every time. - Zero
use the cable that came with the ipod, and use a different usb port, not one at the front, one of those at the back.
 Software download causes i pod to lock every time. - Meldrew
I am using the supplied cable and a laptop with 2 USB ports, on the right hand side near the charging socket. I will try my desktop which rear USBs and report back.
 Software download causes i pod to lock every time. - rtj70
If you sync with the desktop then that will be a different iTunes library... and you'll resync again.

What version of iPod touch is it? And have you upgraded it to the latest iOS 5 operating system recently?
 Software download causes i pod to lock every time. - Meldrew
Very many thanks for help and informed comment. In no particular order

1. I am back up and running with an i pod touch4 and IOS 5

2. The thing has always crashed and burned whenever I accept any up date and IOS 5 yesterday did just that.

3. £5 to my local Apple store got it unlocked, they think it is a fault on my computer.

4. As I write all my Apps and, hopefully the diary content are being restored. The diary will be a long job to rebuild from scratch. I shall perhaps uninstall/reinstall i Tunes on the computer and then be very leery about accepting further updates.

5. IOS 5 looks like REAL fun - I am backed up on "The Cloud"!!!!
 Software download causes i pod to lock every time. - Focusless
>> 4. As I write all my Apps

I'm impressed :)
 Software download causes i pod to lock every time. - Meldrew
Punctuation problem. As I write, my apps are being restored etc etc! The installation of IOS has fouled up the choice of colours for the bars in the diary spreadsheet. There used to be a choice of fifteen colours now one has to select one of them and then it is the default. Still it isn't the end of the world!
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