About two miles from me, just round the corner from Mclaren, when we have a burst water main we do it in style round here.
A leaking main near me hollowed out an underground cave about the size of a large family car.
No sign of it from the road, until a corporation dustcart broke the surface and fell into the hole.
No one could say how long the leak had been going on, but the best guess was months, if not years.
I also asked what had happened to all the aggregate, and it was thought to have made its way to a nearby underground stream and been washed away.
But again, that was only a best guess.
That's caused me a few issues this week. Just up the road from the office.
As someone who was involved in the utility busines I've seen some spectacular underground scouring from water leaks/bursts... including a water leak jet blasting a hole into an adj utility's pipes.
With filterbeds at Sunbury and also filterbeds at Thames Ditton ( now built on ) there are lots of very large old pipes in our area and major bursts occur.
Results from a 48" mains bursting.
At least one local lost their garden. It looked like a JCB had stripped the garden ready for building foundations.
There is a lot of risk under them thar roads.
Last edited by: henry k on Fri 7 Oct 11 at 09:16
>> Results from a 48" mains bursting.
>> residents-association.com/archive2006/tdflood_30nov2006.php
"13 families are still in temporary accommodation (January 2007). Thames Water expected them to be there another 3 - 6 months." [burst was 30 Nov 2006]
Terrible for the families, and presumably pretty expensive for Thames Water.
Gosh, a few people living in my area. I live in Camberley and used to work in Cobham
Veolia Water UK at first said repairs might take four days, but the road reopened at 20:00 BST on Thursday.
"It's amazing. They have really done a fantastic job considering the size of it," said Noah Le Mare, who runs nearby Dragons Fireworks.
"The problem is that we are on sand here so when there is a burst main it just creates an enormous crater very easily."
Mr Le Mare said he believed the woman driver of the car left the vehicle before the road subsided.
Veolia Water thanked motorists for their patience while the repair was carried out.
Noah Le Mare
Hahahahahaha !