Computer Related > Broadband download allowance - oops Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Fenlander Replies: 8

 Broadband download allowance - oops - Fenlander
In my earlier thread about managing our temp home broadband on a mobile dongle I'd asked about usage because I hadn't any stats for our past history. I said our old contract was 10GB/mth and we'd never exceeded it.

So when we went with BT I chose their 10GB package. After 6 days I received an email warning we'd nearly used the first months allowance.

The upshot of a bit of investigation was that our previous broadband was in fact unlimited on some legacy agreement after our provider was taken over twice... but it was billed as a 10GB package.... hence my mistake.

Our actual 1st week usage with BT was 9.72GB. I've now upgraded to unlimited contract to avoid the hassle of feeling limited on the net.

Part of the reason for this apparent high usage is probably the massive increase in download speed here so we're able to watch things easily that would have been a stuttering nightmare at the old house. We're seeing download speeds of 14.9Mb compared to the previous 1.9.
 Broadband download allowance - oops - Iffy
Ten GB in under a week is a lot of stuff, but as you say, moving pictures will be to blame.

The only time I've come up against my dongle limit was when I watched about 30mins of one day cricket.

 Broadband download allowance - oops - nyx2k
i use about 60gb a month but there are 5 appliances using the broadband
 Broadband download allowance - oops - Zero
>> Ten GB in under a week is a lot of stuff,

These days, really its not.

but as you say,
>> moving pictures will be to blame.

As you say, streaming is the user. Iplayer type services, on the PC and the tele,.

My usage has been about 60gb a month for the last 18 months. Like exfenlander I have an unlimited allowance from previous consolidated contracts.
 Broadband download allowance - oops - Fenlander
>>>streaming is the user. Iplayer type services, on the PC and the tele,.

One of the initial reasons we splashed out £4/mth extra for the BT Vision box, IPlayer viewed on TV doesn't count towards the download limit... not that it matters now we've gone unlimited.
 Broadband download allowance - oops - MD
>> The only time I've come up against my dongle limit was when I watched about
>> 30mins of one day cricket.
I firmly believe that my dongle limit was exceeded years ago.
 Broadband download allowance - oops - VxFan
>> I've now upgraded to unlimited contract to avoid the hassle of feeling limited on the net.

Check the small print about it being subject to fair use policy.
Last edited by: VxFan on Fri 30 Sep 11 at 10:28
 Broadband download allowance - oops - Fenlander
Fair point VX. I've just double checked and BT will never charge you more or apply a cap to the unlimited option. The only thing they will do is manage/downgrade speeds for excessive file sharing users at peak times... seems fair enough.
 Broadband download allowance - oops - RattleandSmoke
As longs as you stay under 60GB per month most won't bother. We used around 12gb a week here.
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