Non-motoring > Bank error in your favour Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Fursty Ferret Replies: 7

 Bank error in your favour - Fursty Ferret
Sort of. Received a cheque for £720 this morning from Egg after I called them up to whine about the PPI that I've been paying for years. Not bad use of my time, as it only took one 5 minute phone call to get a full refund, plus interest.

Though it says more about my lax state of financial affairs in that I failed to notice (a) the payments leaving my account in the first place, and (b) that I'd been signed up to it without knowing for 7 years!

So... what to spend it on?
 Bank error in your favour - Zero
towards the deposit on your new estate dahn sarf?
 Bank error in your favour - SteelSpark
>> So... what to spend it on?

 Bank error in your favour - Zero
720 Quid is gonna buy you a real classic. If you want a dog go to a kennels.
 Bank error in your favour - Fursty Ferret
Speaking of classics, my dad's just bought this to play with:
 Bank error in your favour - Zero
planning on joining the keystone cops is he?
 Bank error in your favour - Dave_
>> Speaking of classics, my dad's just bought this to play with

Very nice, I reckon MY dad would have gone for that if I'd seen the ad in time.
 Bank error in your favour - Mike Hannon
Vereeeeeee nice.
The only nice thing to come out of Nailsea since Adge Cutler and the Wurzels...
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