Motoring Discussion > Motorist wins £2000 pot hole damages Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Falkirk Bairn Replies: 6

 Motorist wins £2000 pot hole damages - Falkirk Bairn

Council denied liability and warned motorist with large legal bills.............he won and the council lost + they pay his legal bill....................nice one.

How often do the council get away with refusing car pot hole claims?
 Motorist wins £2000 pot hole damages - Duncan
>> Council denied liability and warned motorist with large legal bills.............he won and the council lost
>> + they pay his legal bill....................nice one.
>> How often do the council get away with refusing car pot hole claims?

Where do you think that the money that he has been awarded comes from?
 Motorist wins £2000 pot hole damages - Mapmaker
>>Where do you think that the money that he has been awarded comes from?

His own council tax, which will be hit by thousands of other drivers making similar claims. Genius. anybody with a brain drives more slowly over potholes - and doesn't have stupid low profile wheels.
 Motorist wins £2000 pot hole damages - Boxsterboy
Yes, of course ultimately we pay for (nearly) all council expenditure, but if they didn't repair the roads it would cost us more in the long run, and so the councils have to be held to account. Well done that man.
 Motorist wins £2000 pot hole damages - Duncan
>> Yes, of course ultimately we pay for (nearly) all council expenditure,

Pray - do tell, who pays for the bit we don't pay for?
 Motorist wins £2000 pot hole damages - Boxsterboy

>> Pray - do tell, who pays for the bit we don't pay for?

Well there's:
1. Interest on investments made by councils
2. Planning fees and S106 payments made by the applicant not the general taxpayer
3. Parking tickets
4. Speeding fines

I'm sure there are more
 Motorist wins £2000 pot hole damages - Manatee
I was told by Bucks CC today that they turn down 80% of 'pothole' type claims on the grounds that they have not been negligent. They claim to apply the judgement that they think a court would come up with.

They don't make it easy. I drove over a piece of road yesterday (towing, no opportunity to turn) that I thought was just fresh chippings. When I arrived home 5 miles on, there was tar literally dripping off car and caravan. It took two of us three hours to clean the exterior bodywork with white spirit. The tyres are still coated and the car and caravan are unusable.

Bucks CC is offering no advice or help. They will provide a claim form but say it can take 6 months to process (with generally a low success rate).

I still haven't solved the problem - I don't have a day or a weekend spare to bath 6 wheels in white spirit, it might rain at the weekend anyway, and I have no idea what it would do to the tyres. I doubt the average car valeter would want to tackle it. Any ideas other than new tyres?

I've driven 40 miles to try and shed the tar from the car tyres. They still pick up any loose grit or gravel which is then thrown at the bodywork. The RAC has advised another victim here not to drive the car under any circumstances.

I may just bite the bullet and fit £750 worth of new tyres - I'd certainly be prepared to go after that, and while ratepayers foot the bill it should concentrate a few minds on doing things properly.
Last edited by: Manatee on Mon 5 Sep 11 at 20:35
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