Motoring Discussion > Trade plates Buying / Selling
Thread Author: hjd Replies: 8

 Trade plates - hjd
Is there such a thing as a register of trade plates with their owners which can be searched by the public?
Our new neighbour, a loquacious Irishman, is obviously selling cars from his house. Several there at any one time and punters getting the hard sell.
One of the current crop of cars has a trade plate in the back window. I don't want to fall out with him, especially as we are hoping to sell our house in the next year, but would really like to know in whose name and address the trade plate has been issued.
 Trade plates - Dave_
Phil W is your man for this, he's a trade plate driver and will know the regs inside out.

If you can sneak a look at the front trade plate in question, there should be a triangular licence document attached to it with some of the registered owner's details on. Failing that, your local council's Trading Standards department are the people to notify.
 Trade plates - Iffy
Trade plates are not to be used to enable untaxed and/or uninsured cars to be parked on the highway.

I'm fairly certain that's right, but a quick Google should bring up the regs.

 Trade plates - Ted

When I had my trade plates, they were in the letters of the authority which issued per the old number plates.

Mine were 643 NA..a Manchester issued letter sequence.
If I'd lived in Salford they would have been 643 BA..or Blackpool..643 FR. Differing numbers, of course.
The principal may be the same..look at the letters and compare them with a list of the old registration authorities......then complain to them. The plates remain their property.
 Trade plates - Dave_
>> look at the letters and compare them with a list of the old registration authorities

A good site listing all the old (and new) registration areas:
 Trade plates - hjd
Thanks all.
The cars are parked in the "garden".
Interestingly enough, they were all driven away yesterday - shortly before a police car came cruising slowly into the cul de sac.
A new lot are back now, though.
Checking that site shows either Norwich or Cardiff, depending on date.
Might try local trading standards.
 Trade plates - Chris S
RE: "Our new neighbour, a loquacious Irishman, is obviously selling cars from his house."

In which case he should be paying business rates and not domestic rates on his property. Tip off the council.

There's a good chance he won't be paying tax on the profit as well.
 Trade plates - Duncan
>> Thanks all.
>> The cars are parked in the "garden".

Is he advertising in AutoTrader? If you put a search in for a couple of the cars he is selling, with fairly closely defined criteria, you might find that they popped up.

Unless you already know who or what he is trading as.
Last edited by: Duncan on Wed 3 Aug 11 at 17:16
 Trade plates - hjd
I have tried a couple of searches with no result - will try again with the latest batch!
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