I wouldn't disagree with any of that DP. And I see that others are taking the same view.
But in this case the miscreant was a fairly unthreatening type, a silly unscrupulous young woman late for work. Genuine thugs, drivers of the sort the police themselves sometimes stop chasing for fear of an accident involving third parties, would have been another matter altogether. The outcome if the camera boys caught and stopped them might have been a bit different too. How far is a concerned citizen justified in going? And how often does he really know what he's doing?
If I were clocked for doing 70 in a 30, and explained when pulled that I was chasing a badly driven car, I would expect a certain amount of flak from the authorities at least.
I'm glad the camera boys got away with it. But they were also actually asking for trouble.
EDIT: naturally I don't give a damn about them exceeding the speed limit. Indeed I often find people who don't a bit of a nuisance.
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Fri 8 Jul 11 at 17:13