Non-motoring > Good News for those who don't like Exercise Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Meldrew Replies: 33

 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Meldrew
Research carried out in France and published in an American medical journal suggests that a substance called resveratol can halt the negative aspects of a sedentary lifestyle. The substance has a range of health benefits including acting as an anti-inflammatory and combating cancer. Th good news is that is found in red wine and a summary of the benefits was published in today's DT under the byline "Can't be bothered to Exercise? Drink red wine instead" I shall start tonight with a nice Rioja I think!

This also makes interesting reading, suggesting that some drink is better for you than none, but don't overdo it!
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - PhilW
"those drinking two, four or even six glasses of wine a day have a significantly lower risk than abstainers of circulatory disorders such as heart attacks or strokes. “People should be told the facts,” insisted the late Sir Richard Doll, Professor of Medicine at Oxford University. “They are quite clear: alcohol reduces the risk of premature death, however it is taken.” "

Been testing this theory for quite a few years now - touble is, I fear my little cigars that I smoke with the wine might negate any advantage of the wine. Only one solution - more wine!!

By the way, wasn't it only last week that we were told that "old people" drinking too much was a problem?? Think another glass and another cigar while I ponder all this are in order.
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Dog
Resveratol also increases sperm production in rats.

 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Old Navy
I have enough rug rats already.
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Roger.
Quick - tell Rats! He will be chuffed to little meatballs to hear this good news!
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Dave_
>> Quick - tell Rats!

He drinks enough alcohol to live to 150 already.
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - teabelly
Damn. I hate red wine.
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - PhilW
"Damn. I hate red wine. "
It's an aquired taste - like whisky - just needs lots of practice! Go for it!
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - corax
>> Damn. I hate red wine.

Just drink grape juice. Just as good, without the hangover in the morning.
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - teabelly
>> >> Damn. I hate red wine.
>> Just drink grape juice. Just as good, without the hangover in the morning.

Cool. I do like red grape juice :)
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Dog
>>Damn. I hate red wine<<

Then eat sum dark choc or blueberries todo dia - like moi.
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Stuartli
See this page (last updated in 2001):

Another from the same year:

Always been my excuse...:-)
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - madf
I like exercise AND red wine.

I'll live to 120...
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Old Navy
>> I like exercise AND red wine.
>> I'll live to 120...

But you won't enjoy it.
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Zero
Port is the name of the game here.
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Stuartli
Some advice on grape varieties that won't, or less likely to, bring on heartburn after a glass or two:
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Clk Sec
I'm fortunate as I like almost everything that is considered to be healthy. So for me it's plenty of cereals, pulses, fruit, nuts, vegetables - with the exception of broccoli, which I can't abide, dark chocolate, gallons of red wine and lots of exercise.
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - AshT
I eat a pretty good diet, and do like the (more than) occasional glass of red. I like a pint or three of the black stuff when I'm out too, and it looks like that's all good too -

Just the fags to give up and I should be good for a few years yet. Any suggestions Humph?
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Meldrew
Time was when the Black Stuff advertising was pitched at the medical profession; and of you remember the "Think what Toucan do" pitch. Hence the collectible toucan figurines that went with it? Sounds like a spin-off from the thought "A Pork Chop in Every Pint" which was around in the 60s to justify beer drinking!
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - DP
The comment above about red being an acquired taste definitely mirrors my own experience. Until quite recently, I found it absolutely foul tasting. However, whether its a change in my palate or lucking in on some good reds I don't know, but Mrs DP and I will now share a bottle of red most Friday and Saturday evenings. Bonus that it is considered healthy! :-)
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Dutchie
I like a couple of glasses of red wine everyday.Go swimming once a week and go for a decent walk when I get the change.My hart is in excellent condition according to the test done on me.

It was the other bits in my body which caused me trouble but I'm fine now fingers crossed.

I think one of most damaging aspect of modern living is working irregular hrs.Stress not happy in what you are doing and not having time for yourself.

Also you are what you eat.
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Dog
>>Also you are what you eat.<<

I would put that at the top of the list Dutchie ~ especially man-made con-venience non food.
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Dutchie
Its reckoned that all the chemical rubbish we receive in our food causes damage to our inmune system dog.

We are getting older but in what state.;)

 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Dog
>>We are getting older but in what state.;)<<

We're just taking longer to die Dutchie :o(

 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - corax
>> Its reckoned that all the chemical rubbish we receive in our food causes damage to
>> our inmune system dog.

I reckon that a caveman would go belly up if he ate some of our processed food from today. Mind you, it didn't take many years for them to keel over anyway if history is correct. Apart from the Rolling Stones ancestors.
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Dutchie
I dont mind the Stones always liked the song Angie.I remember when they came to Rotterdam in the Ahoyhall.I was sixteen .The place was partly demolised and the Burgomaster of Rotterdam banned the Stones.;)To much pot and drink.
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Dog

There is a 'caveman' diet actually ~
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Meldrew
DP, on the basis that there is £2 duty on a bottle of wine it follows that a £3 wine isn't going to be great! Do you have a branch of Majestic wine near you? They are worth a visit, they are bit like Oddbins, before they folded. Good wine and knowledgeable staff plus discounts on a 2 bottle purchase and they have tastings every day too. Speaking as a customer, not their PR person!!!
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Zero
My everyday wine buying practice is to scan the shelves at waitrose and pick off the 8/9/10 quid wine that's reduced to 4/5/6 quid. Not fussy about red/White/grape variety/region as long as its old world wine.

Edit, been dragging some remarkable good wine out of Morrisons lately.
Last edited by: Zero on Mon 4 Jul 11 at 19:27
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Meldrew
Yes that's a good tactic - anything that has been £9.99 and is down to £4.99 stands a good chance of being very tasty! I bought a book rating the best 100 wines in every major supermarket, a chapter on each. But the stock changes so much! I went to Sainsburys and couldn't find one of the 100 wines in stock!
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Dutchie
Our neighbour, nice people usually pick me three bottles od red wine from Asda.Its good stuff the chap is a wine conniseur.(spelling) Cost me a tenner.
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Stuartli
>>Do you have a branch of Majestic wine near you? >>

Very good advice. Top notch wine retailers.

Hic, hic....
Last edited by: Stuartli on Tue 5 Jul 11 at 00:06
 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Clk Sec
We may think that we are getting a bargain when buying supermarket wines, but are we? I frequently see adverts in my local paper for some of the better known wines that are also available from small local traders for no more than the so called half price offers at supermarkets, and sometimes a little less.

 Good News for those who don't like Exercise - Meldrew
It may be cheap but it is the real thing?
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