Motoring Discussion > Car insurance - which insurance company? Tax / Insurance / Warranties
Thread Author: busbee Replies: 21

 Car insurance - which insurance company? - busbee
Comp ins. UK only. Group 1 or 2 car, or so. No business use.

When I searched: five names came up as very competitive and included a courtesy car, legal cover, protected no claims and windscreen cover.

Liverpool Victoria, Admiral, elephant, Bell, Nationwide, although lowest cost is not
the top priority.

Elsewhere AXA was mentioned as Ok but no details.

Also somewhere that 'Which?' had recently done a review -- no details.

I am over 80, quite fit, no medical problems and with well over 5 years no-claims.

Any 'oldies' on here with favourable experience.

How likely to be insured past 85? -- few years to go yet.
 Car insurance - which insurance company? - Stuu
My dad who is 72 is with Privilege like me, they dont seem to mind his particular age and whenever I do quote searches, they come out cheapest, but obviously they ont appear on comparison sites like their sister company Direct Line.

When I had a bump in the wifes car, Privilege were very swift at sorting us out and kept us informed.
 Car insurance - which insurance company? - Iffy
Some companies will renew existing over-80s, but won't take new proposals, so in future you may have to stick with the company you chose.

As with all insurance, you won't know how good it is until you claim.

Of the companies you mention, there are very mixed reviews of Admiral, which I think includes elephant.

On that not very scientific basis, I would chose Liverpool Victoria.

 Car insurance - which insurance company? - Auristocrat
Which? based their review of car insurance providers using the following criteria:
# be highly rated by Which? members
# meet Which?'s standards and be regulated by the Financial Services Authority
# make it easy to get a quote
# have helpful staff.
Their recommendations are:

NFU Mutual - total score 84%
50plus Insurance Services - total score 74%
LV=/Frizzell - total score 74%
Nationwide BS - total score 73%
AgeUK (Age Concern) - total score 71%
The Co-operative Insurance - total score 69%
Saga - total score 68%
John Lewis Insurance - total score 67 %
RIAS - total score 66%
Last edited by: Auristocrat on Mon 13 Jun 11 at 19:42
 Car insurance - which insurance company? - Dave_
Helpful reference post Auristocrat, thanks. I believe my employers insure their 20 lorries with NFU Mutual, I'm sure quality of service has at least as much bearing on their choice as outright cost.

Re older drivers, a previous transport employer had to let a (fit, healthy, active) 85 year old subcontractor go as they could no longer get commercial vehicle insurance cover for him.
 Car insurance - which insurance company? - mikeyb
Had a great uncle in the same position - he worked at a local main dealers washing a few cars, and dropping off / picking up customers cars. When he hit 80 they could no longer insure him
 Car insurance - which insurance company? - busbee
Interesting posts, thanks. Keep them coming.

I got 10 offers of insurance below my own re-insure quote, which had increased 50% total --- last year and the new quote.

If I do change, I would like to think I got it right, as it is likely to be the last change.

I have an ex-spitfire-pilot friend who is over 85 who is struggling to get insurance although he seems a driver you would be happy to let drive you. Although he is not a fit man. Not that it should affect his driving apart from being a bit uncomfortable.

I have another colleague 83 who does low mileage and has a pacemaker and after stating this on his application form he still got a much lower quote than his renewal offer.

 Car insurance - which insurance company? - Tigger
I seem to recall that three of your five are the same company, just different sub-brands: Admiral, elephant, Bell
 Car insurance - which insurance company? - busbee
Just to wrap this up, I had the feeling it was time for a change from my existing insurer but needed a bit of convincing as to where. Right now I am quite pleased.

I went with Liverpool Victoria. They were efficient in answering my questions via a live (text) chat with one of their reps. And I was surprised to find out later they are owned by Nationwide! Sort of re-assuring that it will not go bust over-night.

The decision has been made! Thanks for all your input.
 Car insurance - which insurance company? - Auristocrat
Liverpool Victoria are not owned by Nationwide - although Nationwide puts their insurance business through Liverpool Victoria.
Liverpool Victoria are a 'mutual' which means they have no shareholders as such. The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (the Government scheme that provides protection for savings with banks, etc) shows that the Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society Ltd are the registered owners.
Liverpool Victoria have been going since 1843, so are as secure as any other insurance company/building society.
For a number of years Liverpool Victoria have had strong links with employees of the Civil Service, especially the Civil Service Motoring Association - and they bought the car breakdown service Brittania Rescue from CSMA earlier in the 2000's.
 Car insurance - which insurance company? - Meldrew
I was with LV for years and nothing about me changed, except I got older, but their premiums went up steeply. I have just done research for Mrs M and despite not being on comparison sites D Line were over £100 more than an insurer who is.
 Car insurance - which insurance company? - Telb
A friend recently hit his 90th birthday and his premium with SAGA of all people went up by over £300! At that age it's difficult to find anyone elde to take you on but AgeUK (formerly Age Concern/Help the Aged) will, I understand, insure you up to 100 or more.

Dunno what it would cost though:-)
 Car insurance - which insurance company? - busbee
Thanks for the info.

I said Nationwide, because a few seconds after I completed on the LV site, I received an email saying:

"Thank you for purchasing Nationwide car insurance."

I had made the payment using a Nationwide card, if that throws any light.

When I get to 90, I won't quibble if they want an extra £300. You can't take it with you.

My pilot-friend pays about 650, I think, and can't be many years short of 90.
Last edited by: busbee on Wed 15 Jun 11 at 16:59
 Car insurance - which insurance company? - Bill Payer
>> I was with LV for years and nothing about me changed, except I got older,
>> but their premiums went up steeply.

You may have been on their old fashioned policy, as I was, which had no mileage limits, didn't load for speeding points, included European cover etc etc. Nice coverage, but it just got too expensive so I dropped back to their more modern one where you have to declare the mileage and opt in or out of the additional items.

I couldn't beat their renewal premium a couple of months ago, even using the old trick of doing a new quote on your current insurers system.
 Car insurance - which insurance company? - busbee
"Liverpool Victoria are not owned by Nationwide"

You are quite correct. The Nationwide documentation does say the insurance is handled by LV.
 Car insurance - which insurance company? - Ted
I have three cars to insure around now and my son also has his to do.

I used Sureterm Direct for the Jowett and the Vitara, seperate policies, as they were cheapest on-line last year. They say on their letterhead ' Classic and 4WD specialists '

I re-insured the Jowett last month as the renewal quote was about the same, £80ish comp.
I got to thinking of the more modern cars with horrifying tales of increases in mind.
Sure enough, son's Astra had gone up by about £400 and the Note by about £300.

I'd stuck the Vitara into a comparison site and got so far before my session timed out so I didn't bother going any further.
In the morning someone phoned saying the cheapest quote that came up was, I think, just under £600.....I said 'You're 'aving a larf, aren't you ? '

Sureterm didn't figure in the comparisons I found later but most of the cheapest were £500 to £600. I left it to see what my renewal would be and it came today.

Shock, shock....but not horror...£219.00 Comp !!!
That's £8 less than last year...Highway, part of Liverpool Victoria...Me and SWM.

Guess who I'll be phoning on Monday about the Note and the Astra !

 Car insurance - which insurance company? - Ted

Just got round to getting a few quotes on the lad's Astra Sport. His TPFT renewal was £751 and comp was over a grand !

I thought we could do better so I tried Moneysavingexpert this time.
Cheapest quote was M&S Standard at £312 for comprehensive !

I've gone with that....I presume the others don't want our business !

 Car insurance - which insurance company? - Bobbin Threadbare
Wow that is pretty good! I cannot get any lower than a straight £500 from Direct Line, because I've only been driving since 2008 and I've got quite a big car.
 Car insurance - which insurance company? - Iffy
...Cheapest quote was M&S Standard at £312 for comprehensive !...

Good result, Ted, well done.

Mine's due in August, and I'm already (not) looking forward to messing around getting quotes.

 Car insurance - which insurance company? - Ted

It's the first time I've tried MSE, Rob. It seemed a lot simpler to use than the other ones.

Cheapest from Confused a couple of weeks ago was just under £ spite of the gorgeous bird in the stripy jumper that Dave fancies !

Nice to have another lady poster on the forum, Bobbin......I hope you're not too delicate with this mob posting !

 Car insurance - which insurance company? - RattleandSmoke
It will be interesting to see how much I can get off in October, because I don't fancy spending £1000 on insurance. I am hoping to have the cash, so anything I save out of the £1k can pay for a mini holiday.

All the quotes so far are all between £1020 and £10k. Most are under £1400 though.

 Car insurance - which insurance company? - Bobbin Threadbare
Cheers Ted - no, I don't think you'd describe my personality as delicate! ;-)
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