Introduce Yourself > And change of names.. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: BobbyG Replies: 39

 And change of names.. - BobbyG
Can this section be changed to include name changes and rules stipulating that if you change your name you must update this!

Struggling to keep tabs on who is who!

And we can give Stu a section all of his own :)
 And change of names.. - RattleandSmoke
Does Stu still post on here?

 And change of names.. - BobbyG
sure does
 And change of names.. - bathtub tom
I think I detected the whiff of wet dog as well (been raining in the west country?).
 And change of names.. - Stuu
No more name changes planned :-)
 And change of names.. - John H
>> No more name changes planned :-)

Going by your record of "no more car changes planned", that means a few more name changes to come this year.

 And change of names.. - Stuu
>>Going by your record of "no more car changes planned", that means a few more name changes to come this year.<<

Yes because everybody models their lifestyle choices on their car ownership.

By that thin logic I should have been married around 12 times by now, allowing for quickie divorces each time and one would presume several hundred women inbetween... I mean, I did promise to stay with the wife so must mean ill do complete opposite - because I change cars alot. Yeah ok, whatever you say.

 And change of names.. - BobbyG
Chill pill Stu!
 And change of names.. - Stuu
Oh Im chilled, but ignorance shouldnt go unchecked. Talk about stretching a point.
 And change of names.. - John H
>> By that thin logic I should have been married around 12 times by now, allowing

Fat chance. try this advert:
Househusband, retired at 30, divorced x times, looking for new wife to support expensive car swapping habit? ;-)

 And change of names.. - Suppose
>> >> By that thin logic I should have been married around 12 times by now,
>> allowing
>> >>
>> Fat chance. try this advert:
>> Househusband, retired at 30, divorced x times, looking for new wife to support expensive car
>> swapping habit? ;-)

Nah. There isn't an e-bay equivalent to find clapped out well used models, is there?

 And change of names.. - Stuu
My ex wifes mother has just finished with her 4th husband, now seeking out a 5th. Have to laugh. First one was to pay the mortgage.
Second one she thought he had money, he didnt, so she hooked a Canadian online with some money, decided she didnt much like him after 2 years so due to some rather iffy laws over there she got his house because she has a child ( not his though ) and by another quirk of things over there, he has to pay maintainance on that child even though he isnt the biological father.
She has now just cleaned out an american fella so she now apparently has citizenship in both Canada and the US aswell as a fair chunk of the poor chaps money. Shes only mid-40's, plenty of time and she married all of them. Mormon too, dont know what bearing that has on it but Im told marriage is quite frequent even if its only one at a time.

Makes me feel rather slack, my ex didnt have any money at all, she was a stunner though, maybe that was enough :-)
 And change of names.. - rtj70
>> Does Stu still post on here?

He's FoR now. Well for now at least.

Hasn't ChrisPeugeot recently changed his name or was he always using something other than that on here? (Now called FocalPoint).
Last edited by: rtj70 on Wed 1 Jun 11 at 23:32
 And change of names.. - John H
>> Hasn't ChrisPeugeot recently changed his name or was he always using something other than that
>> on here? (Now called FocalPoint).

Look at
The EDIT note reads:
"Last edited by: ChrisPeugeot on Wed 1 Jun 11 at 13:24"

p.s. FocalPoint also has his profile visible, where he makes it clear that he was ChrisPeugeot.
Last edited by: John H on Wed 1 Jun 11 at 23:46
 And change of names.. - rtj70
So he changed his name sometime after 13:24 today then.
 And change of names.. - rtj70
>> p.s. FocalPoint also has his profile visible, where he makes it clear that he was ChrisPeugeot.

But he doesn't say why he changed it. All his old posts will have the name changed too of course.
 And change of names.. - FocalPoint
"...he doesn't say why he changed it."

But he did hint a while ago that a name-change was imminent, in this thread:

from which it is fairly obvious why he changed it - or so I would have thought.

C'mon, guys - keep up!
 And change of names.. - rtj70
>> But he did hint a while ago that a name-change was imminent, in this thread:

You refer to him as 'he' but it's you for goodness sake :-)

>> from which it is fairly obvious why he changed it - or so I would have thought.

If people had read it maybe....
Last edited by: rtj70 on Thu 2 Jun 11 at 00:15
 And change of names.. - Dog
Shirley most folk (the regulars, anyway) know who's who and what's a'foot when someone changes their moniker, it's simply a case of clicking on their forum name and checking out their recent posts - most people know that I'm not really The worlds most fabulous man,

Including SWMBO :)
Last edited by: The worlds most fabulous man on Thu 2 Jun 11 at 08:27
 And change of names.. - BobbyG
so who are you?
 And change of names.. - VxFan
>> so who are you?

Clue: Mans best friend.

ps, I also know Perky's new identity thanks to the mods crystal ball.
 And change of names.. - John H
>> ps, I also know Perky's new identity thanks to the mods crystal ball.

Not the grumpy old Victor M. ?

 And change of names.. - FocalPoint
"...I also know Perky's new identity thanks to the mods crystal ball."

But "PerkyPenguin" still appears as the author of his past contributions. So he must have set up a new account... Now why didn't I think of that?
 And change of names.. - VxFan
>> So he must have set up a new account...

Forum policy ( ) states

"10.2 Users who register more than one account may be liable to having additional accounts suspended or terminated at our sole discretion."

Unless someone has very good reason for having more than one account, and providing we know about it, additional accounts may well get removed, as mentioned above.

I already know of at least 3 members who have more than one account, and one of those members replied to his own post in this thread earlier today (how sad is that, talking to himself)

Vx Fan.
 And change of names.. - FocalPoint
Wasn't me, guv.

So PP has another account? Is he privileged?
Last edited by: FocalPoint on Thu 2 Jun 11 at 21:22
 And change of names.. - Zero

>> I already know of at least 3 members who have more than one account, and
>> one of those members replied to his own post in this thread earlier today (how
>> sad is that, talking to himself)

i always said people on here were duplicitous
 And change of names.. - BobbyG
>>and one of those members replied to his own post in this thread earlier today

wasn't me, so therefore 2 of the following are the same person

Bathtub Tom
Clk Sec

so who is it?
 And change of names.. - FocalPoint
Wasn't me either, as I said.

So that narrows it down a bit more.

This is getting interesting.
 And change of names.. - rtj70
>> >>and one of those members replied to his own post in this thread earlier today
>> wasn't me, so therefore 2 of the following are the same person
>> Focalpoint
>> rtj70
>> Dog
>> Bathtub Tom
>> Clk Sec
>> so who is it?

Knowing all are different people none. Easy to have an under radar user but not telling. Same on any forum.
 And change of names.. - Dog
>>>> Focalpoint
>> rtj70

>> Dog<<

>> Bathtub Tom
>> Clk Sec
>> so who is it?<<

Not me.
 And change of names.. - VxFan
>> so who is it?

None of them, but even if it was, it's privileged information.
 And change of names.. - Pat
John H and Suppose.

 And change of names.. - Clk Sec
>> >>and one of those members replied to his own post in this thread earlier today
>> wasn't me, so therefore 2 of the following are the same person
>> Focalpoint
>> rtj70
>> Dog
>> Bathtub Tom
>> Clk Sec
>> so who is it?
>> None of them, but even if it was, it's privileged information.

Just for the record; I am Clk Sec on this forum, the same as I was on the other. I have no other moniker and only one account, and I have never yet replied to my own post.

Now, put that in yer pipe and smoke it!
 And change of names.. - FocalPoint
I bet VxFan wishes he'd never mentioned it!
Last edited by: FocalPoint on Fri 3 Jun 11 at 10:44
 And change of names.. - bathtub tom
>> so who are you?

I made a stab at it at 23.22 last night. Someone marked it as offensive. :>{
 And change of names.. - Clk Sec
That'll teach you, Lew...
 And change of names.. - Dog
Ere ... leave it out! - even I don't know who I am sometimes :)
 And change of names.. - Pat
IMHO, I don't think name changes should be allowed and I'm surprised the forum software accomodates it.

 And change of names.. - BobbyG
Agreed Pat
 And change of names.. - Stuu
Im staying as FoR, just incase anyone STILL hasnt worked out that its Stu, I am he and I dont have any secondary accounts that im aware of, nor can I see the point unless your called Ben.
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