Motoring Discussion > Tailgaters Miscellaneous
Thread Author: zippy Replies: 10

 Tailgaters - zippy
Doing the speedlimit. Why do people tailgate, expecially on a dual c/w where they can pass!

Several have been so close this week that I couldn't see the front of their car!

I sometimes have the urge to slam on my brakes and watch them carrear in to the back of my company car, but of course never would!

 Tailgaters - Londoner
Yes-they are idiots. Here is what i would do:

When the lane to your right is clear, then move into that one.
The tailgater can then either undertake you, or move right into your new lane.
If he does the former, then you can return to your original lane when convenient.
If he does the latter, and he is behind you again, then move back left into your original lane, and slow down rapidly but safely, so that he overtakes you naturally.

Then be very watchful that he doesn't move leftwards and cut you up.
 Tailgaters - Glaikit Wee Scunner Snr. {P}
People tend to get tail gated and 'cut up' because they are driving too slow for others. I know- its happened to me when lost.
Don't assume that you are going at the speed limit- an accurate GPS device can show up a considerable speedometer error. About 10% in my car at normal speeds.

I'd advise that you gently slow down until the following vehicle passes.
 Tailgaters - BobbyG
Its that new radar controlled cruise control in operation..........
 Tailgaters - -
Yep, if you want to get rid of him or increasingly her, slow down gently if possible and keep to the left, hopefully numpty will eventually pluck up the courage to overtake.

Not all want to overtake though, they need to be in some sort of a pack situation following someone else, unfortunately not at a sensible distance and not at the speed the leading driver wants to travel at.

I know others feel differently, but i want numpties in front of me so i can keep an eye on them, and well away from them and their next prang.
 Tailgaters - Dave_
>> i want numpties in front of me so i can keep an eye on them

My thoughts exactly. Most of my motorway driving is now at weekends, my goodness do they all come out of the woodwork then. No idea what's beyond the end of their own bonnet, a lot of them.
Last edited by: Dave_TDCi on Wed 25 May 11 at 16:24
 Tailgaters - RattleandSmoke
I started another thread on the same topic yesterday, but the same things have cropped up here. With regard to the speedo I have tested it, and when the sat nav indicates 30mph my speedo reads 30. Many modern cars seem to have very accurate speedos. Older cars tend to over compensate, the Corsa and Fiesta for example both read 33-34mph on the speedo when the sat nav said 30.
 Tailgaters - SteelSpark
My observation about tailgaters, as I've noted here before, is the frequency for them to drop back as soon as there is any kink or narrowing in the road.

I'll be driving along a straight road, perhaps doing an indicated 35, when some plant pot will drive up behind and start tailgating.

We'll approach a slight bend, or narrowing, which I'll slow for, but they'll slow much more for, so that they are quickly left behind whilst I get back up to my indicated 35 (or whatever it happens to be on that road).

Of course, then they'll put their foot down and start catching me up again, until they are back tailgating, rinse and repeat.

Now, it may well be that whenever there is any deviation in the road, I turn into some incredibly dangerous driver, or it may well be that their only driving skill it to put their foot a bit nearer the floor than me.

I have recently started to gradually slow by a fair few mph when I see that I am being tailgated, not to try to scare them, or risk an accident, but to show that tailgating me will just make me slow down. They pretty much seem to get the message and back off.

EDIT: I wouldn't mind if they came up close behind me and then overtook, or course. My issue is with the ones that just want to force you to go at the same speed that they want to.
Last edited by: SteelSpark on Wed 25 May 11 at 16:45
 Tailgaters - madf
When I am tailgated in a 30 mph zone, I slow down and drive at a rigid 28mph..

 Tailgaters - Iffy
I call it the fog factor.

The driver behind becomes fixated, almost mesmerised, by the rear of the car in front.

Slow down, he slows down, speed up, he speeds up.

Same thing can happen with your tail lights in fog.

 Tailgaters - Skoda
Used to get really upset sometimes. Tooting horns and flashing lights where it's clear to a blind person there's nowhere to go used to set me off. Party trick was to stop just past a traffic island, with them left stuck behind me, the traffic island to their right and a kerb to their left hemming them in. Then get out to see what the problem was. Thankfully i've grown out of that. Wasn't really satisfying anyway, could count the number of times they would roll down the window or open the door on one hand.

They're not common here in the past year or two anymore. Jinxed myself now.
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