My observation about tailgaters, as I've noted here before, is the frequency for them to drop back as soon as there is any kink or narrowing in the road.
I'll be driving along a straight road, perhaps doing an indicated 35, when some plant pot will drive up behind and start tailgating.
We'll approach a slight bend, or narrowing, which I'll slow for, but they'll slow much more for, so that they are quickly left behind whilst I get back up to my indicated 35 (or whatever it happens to be on that road).
Of course, then they'll put their foot down and start catching me up again, until they are back tailgating, rinse and repeat.
Now, it may well be that whenever there is any deviation in the road, I turn into some incredibly dangerous driver, or it may well be that their only driving skill it to put their foot a bit nearer the floor than me.
I have recently started to gradually slow by a fair few mph when I see that I am being tailgated, not to try to scare them, or risk an accident, but to show that tailgating me will just make me slow down. They pretty much seem to get the message and back off.
EDIT: I wouldn't mind if they came up close behind me and then overtook, or course. My issue is with the ones that just want to force you to go at the same speed that they want to.
Last edited by: SteelSpark on Wed 25 May 11 at 16:45