Motoring Discussion > Thar she blows! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: SteelSpark Replies: 3

 Thar she blows! - SteelSpark
 Thar she blows! - Dutchie
Looks like somebody had a bit of a prank.Mind you I wondered what would have happened if it had hit the petrol tank.

Some weird people about these days.
 Thar she blows! - Cliff Pope
The harpoon apparently is used for boarding a ship, not killing whales.
Several repondents are puzzled what use only 4 metres of rope would be. Presumably the RN only boards little ships?
 Thar she blows! - bathtub tom
>>Several repondents are puzzled what use only 4 metres of rope would be.

The report says: These things are used to propel a four metre length of rope up to 250 metres.
What use it be to chuck four metres of rope 250 metres?

It's the same newspaper that described a Tiger Moth as a WW2 fighter!
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