The large rubber pipe from the air filter to the throttle body has a plastic box attached near to the throttle body which I cannot identify. There are no wires or pipes coming from this box which is about 4 inches square. There is nothing in the Haynes manual either to say what this can be.
Any ideas what this box is for?
Its a tuned air resonator. Prevents the noise of induction roar.
Does the air kind of swirl round in this before entering the throttle body then?
The air in the resonator acts as a sponge to damp sound waves. It works like a bandpass speaker enclosure in reverse, I think.
Oh lord, - cant tell you what the air is doing in there, expanding, pulsing, whatever the computer design decided to reduce the noise.
Cor.....I wants one of dose.
>>>Cor.....I wants one of dose.
No... strip it all out and replace with blue pipes... the lads say you get at least an extra 15bhp... they must be blue apparently... no other colour is as good.
>> No... strip it all out and replace with blue pipes... the lads say you get
>> at least an extra 15bhp... they must be blue apparently... no other colour is as
>> good.
Come on. Stands to reason, if it makes more noise, there must be more power.
>> Come on. Stands to reason, if it makes more noise, there must be more power.
I had a smile the other day, I was behind a BMW X5 fitted with two waste paper basket sized exhaust pipes. Of course fitted to a low powered skinny tyre version.
The resonantor is, as mentioned above, a device to reduce inlet noise, the combination of the volume of the chamber and the size of the pipe into it combine to tune the device to work at a given frequency - its more scientific name is a Helmholtz resonator.