Non-motoring > Sick of the Olympics already Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Snakey Replies: 52

 Sick of the Olympics already - Snakey
Can I just vent some steam.....

I'm sick to death of the poxy olympics already. Massive waste of money, doesn't do anything for our country at all. All the argments thats its 'good for the nation' seem to be paper thin.

So what if we win 5,10,100 or 1000 gold medals - it will do absolutely nothing for this country! It won't increase our trade, or our international standing one bit.

And I hear now ticket touts can be fined up to £20,000? Glad to see that the legal system is concentrating on the serious stuff!

Rant over...
 Sick of the Olympics already - Cliff Pope
>> I'm sick to death of the poxy olympics already.

What took you so long?

 Sick of the Olympics already - Robin O'Reliant
A cost of nine billion and rising to host a load of sports many of which which most people haven't even heard of and couldn't care less about, leaving us with overpriced facilities few will use but many will spend years paying for.

The only good thing is that West Ham get a state of the art stadium for next to nothing.
 Sick of the Olympics already - Alanovich
>> The only good thing is that West Ham get a state of the art stadium
>> for next to nothing.

West Ham are getting a state of the art ATHLETICS stadium, and certainly not for next to nothing.

 Sick of the Olympics already - Robin O'Reliant
>> West Ham are getting a state of the art ATHLETICS stadium, and certainly not for
>> next to nothing.
>> Snigger.
Don't worry, the athletics track will be gone in a few years. Despite the assurances once we get our feet under the table we'll find a good reason why it isn't viable.
 Sick of the Olympics already - Zero
The pornographers will have it knocked down and turned into the worlds largest primark before you can say razzle and big hooters.
 Sick of the Olympics already - Zero

>> The only good thing is that West Ham get a state of the art stadium
>> for next to nothing.

It's not good.
 Sick of the Olympics already - Snakey
>> What took you so long?

Its been brewing for a while but I've kept a lid on it!
 Sick of the Olympics already - Alanovich
Boo hiss, Snakey.

Bring it on. Can't wait.
 Sick of the Olympics already - CGNorwich
I'm not a big sports fan, but a lot of people are. The money ha been spent, it's going to happen so might as well enjoy the spectacle. None of us will be around to see another one in the UK
 Sick of the Olympics already - Snakey
True, lots of people like sports but they choose to buy their season ticket etc. This is being forced on us.

I enjoy the BTCC and I choose to pay for a ticket, its not being bled from a cash-strapped nation
 Sick of the Olympics already - Alanovich
>> True, lots of people like sports but they choose to buy their season ticket etc.
>> This is being forced on us.

What is being forced on you? Is it compulsory to buy Olympics tickets now?
 Sick of the Olympics already - Snakey
>> What is being forced on you? Is it compulsory to buy Olympics tickets now?

No, but this whole charade is being funded largely by the public.
 Sick of the Olympics already - spamcan61
One of the upsides of my almost total lack of TV watching or newspaper reading is that these over-hyped events almost pass me by. Same with the royal wedding. I do agree with your point anyway snakey.
 Sick of the Olympics already - Focusless
Surely the sight of women's beech volleyball being played in Horse Guards Parade is worth 9 billion? :)
 Sick of the Olympics already - spamcan61
>> Surely the sight of women's beech volleyball being played in Horse Guards Parade is worth
>> 9 billion? :)
Good point, off to Comet to get a 50inch 3D telly now.
 Sick of the Olympics already - Zero
I am quite lucky, We have the cycle time trial, and the cycling road race running on the roads quite near to where I live. (in fact the time trial runs past the end of my mums road!)
 Sick of the Olympics already - John H
>> women's beech volleyball

shirley a spelling mistake.
Last edited by: John H on Wed 16 Mar 11 at 13:44
 Sick of the Olympics already - Focusless
>> >> women's beech volleyball
>> >>
>> shirley a spelling mistake.

Whoops - sorry, had other things on my mind...
 Sick of the Olympics already - Stuartli
>>Whoops - sorry, had other things on my mind.>>

We can guess just what....:-)

Others meant getting bums on seats.......
Last edited by: Stuartli on Wed 23 Mar 11 at 22:07
 Sick of the Olympics already - Zero
Its a once in a lifetime event, the like of which we will probably never host in this country again.

You cant stop it, so rather than moan and carp on about it, why not embrace it, wish it (or even more, work for it) to be a glowing example of its kind, an advert for what's good about this country and what we can do, and have some national pride.
 Sick of the Olympics already - Snakey
>> of its kind, an advert for what's good about this country and what we can
>> do, and have some national pride.

I fail to see how this is an advert for the country? That we're good at hosting overpriced events for a very small percentage of the population?

I have plenty of national pride thank you. Hence my disgust at the sheer waste of the olympics.
 Sick of the Olympics already - Zero

>> I fail to see how this is an advert for the country? That we're good
>> at hosting overpriced events for a very small percentage of the population?

I think you will find a large proportion of the nation will be watching it, and it just happens to have (for some events) a large proportion of the global audience watching it. That's why its a good advert for not only this country, but those who helped to make it happen

>> I have plenty of national pride thank you. Hence my disgust at the sheer waste
>> of the Olympics.

So knowing you cant stop it, knowing that moaning about it wont achieve anything, why not embrace it and look forward to it?
 Sick of the Olympics already - Snakey
>> So knowing you cant stop it, knowing that moaning about it wont achieve anything, why
>> not embrace it and look forward to it?

Because passive acceptance of profligate waste such as this is why we're in a financial mess.
 Sick of the Olympics already - Zero
>> >>
>> >> So knowing you cant stop it, knowing that moaning about it wont achieve anything,
>> why
>> >> not embrace it and look forward to it?
>> >>
>> Because passive acceptance of profligate waste such as this is why we're in a financial
>> mess.

Oh dear, you are going to be a miserable boy for the next 18 months. You could emigrate perhaps?
 Sick of the Olympics already - Alanovich
>> Because passive acceptance of profligate waste such as this is why we're in a financial
>> mess.

One man's profligate waste is another man's money well spent. Actually, it's money invested in this case as we may see a return.

Thought we'd come to terms with this sort of concept in the BBC thread.

You can't please all of the people all of the time. It's not like we host the Olympics every time htey happen. You don't hear those if us in favour moaning about that, but every time we do get to host a major event which some people are not interested in, out come the moaning minnies.

In 4 years, when the Olympics are elsewhere, please feel free to tell us all about how delighted you are that they are not in London, and then every 4 years until the inevitable happens and you croak. But just this once in a lifetime, can't those of us who want to join in this event be allowed to do so without being bashed over the head by those against?
 Sick of the Olympics already - Snakey
"another man's money"

Sums it up really
 Sick of the Olympics already - Alanovich
No, it's our money. Communal. Complain as much as you like, it won't make any difference.

Plenty of our communal money goes on things I don't approve of.

That's life.
 Sick of the Olympics already - hobby
>> Same with the royal wedding.

At least we get a day off for that! ;-)
 Sick of the Olympics already - Iffy
I'm with Snakey and, *cough*, Zero.

I am sick of the Olympics which I regard as a monumental waste of money which the country cannot afford.

But I also hope the event goes well.

I reckon there's a good chance of being able to avoid it here in the North East.

 Sick of the Olympics already - movilogo
>> >> Same with the royal wedding.

>> At least we get a day off for that! ;-)


Events like Olympics, royal wedding etc. serve following purpose

* worldwide media coverage
* generation of revenue to organizers, suppliers etc.
* beating UK's drum in developing countries (so that more of them want to come here either legally or illegally)
* to divert general public's attention from burning issues like fuel price hike, job loss, inflation etc.
* etc etc.

We are spending money we don't have, to organize things we don't need, to impress people we don't like.

 Sick of the Olympics already - Dulwich Estate
They've cost me £40 already. £20 in last year's council tax and £20 in this year's council tax. For how many more years too?

I have no opt out either - apart from moving out of London.
 Sick of the Olympics already - helicopter
The UK helicopter operators aren't keen either....
 Sick of the Olympics already - devonite
On the "bright" side of things, you Londoners and assc Southerners can still use your cars about town in the run up to opening day. and 200,000 of you haven`t had your homes bulldozed to make way for the complex - unlike some Chinese -like country.

*figures/Country stated may be a figment of a fertile mind. and not 100% acurate* - but you get the jist!
 Sick of the Olympics already - Fursty Ferret
Actually, the thing that annoys me the most is that the only card allowed to purchase tickets is Visa. It just seems spectacularly wrong.
 Sick of the Olympics already - Tooslow
"the only card allowed to purchase tickets is Visa"

It's probably a sponsorship thing. The more you look into how the Olympics is run, and I mean the IOC, not Boris and the runner fella, the more corrupt it appears. But just not corrupt enough to break any laws perhaps.

Last edited by: Tooslow on Wed 16 Mar 11 at 15:51
 Sick of the Olympics already - Duncan
>> The UK helicopter operators aren't keen either....>>

That's good!

Perhaps it will stop a lot of self-important people disturbing us with their noisy helicopters.

With the exception of the emergency services and operations such as those on the North Sea oilfields, helicopters are a complete waste of energy.
 Sick of the Olympics already - Roger.
The words "bread & circuses" come to mind, as in the last decadent days of the Roman Empire.
Is there a parallel?
 Sick of the Olympics already - Tooslow
"At least we get a day off for that! ;-)"

I don't. :-(

 Sick of the Olympics already - Armel Coussine
The helicopter is a Heath Robinson device to me terrifying by definition.

So far I have managed to avoid flying in one. I suppose it would be an exaggeration to say I wouldn't, or rather would only, ascend in one to save my life. But not much of an exaggeration.

There are always a couple in the sky in London. Sometimes they hang about going whop-whop-whop and peering through your windows.
 Sick of the Olympics already - Duncan
>>>> There are always a couple in the sky in London. Sometimes they hang about going
>> whop-whop-whop and peering through your windows.

That's because they have heard what you get up to in there!
 Sick of the Olympics already - Zero
The only things nature made that use rotating wings are not designed to stay in the air or fly, but to drop in a random manner.
 Sick of the Olympics already - R.P.
Sycamore seeds ?
 Sick of the Olympics already - Zero

Down is the only way they go.
 Sick of the Olympics already - Iffy
 Sick of the Olympics already - Armel Coussine
>> drop in a random manner.

But slowly enough to be carried some distance by any wind there may be. In the same way, helicopters can 'glide', or continue to descend at a non-lethal rate, if they lose all power. Provided the main rotor isn't seized in some way of course, and that all flying controls are working, and the pilot isn't injured and hasn't panicked. The things give me the heebie-jeebies in the abstract. Really makes me feel a wimp.

Mind you I have a good friend who feels the same way about cars.
 Sick of the Olympics already - Zero
>> >> drop in a random manner.
>> But slowly enough to be carried some distance by any wind there may be.

With no choice of landing zone.

>> the same way, helicopters can 'glide', or continue to descend at a non-lethal rate, if
>> they lose all power.

Yup - in theory. Helo pilots never look convinced or happy when they describe the technique.

 Sick of the Olympics already - corax
>> There are always a couple in the sky in London. Sometimes they hang about going
>> whop-whop-whop and peering through your windows.

You ought to do what Oliver Reed did to Keith Moon when he was flying a helicopter above Reeds mansion. Get the 12 bore out and fire at it :)
 Sick of the Olympics already - Focusless
Following on from my earlier beach volleyball post:
 Sick of the Olympics already - Crankcase
There are times I question my own sanity. I just thought how incredibly amusing it would be to find an image on Google of "beech volleyball", imagining some high jinks with a net and a couple of trees. I was going to link to it to the hilarity of all.

The plan didn't work as intended, and Mrs C appears to be suddenly grumpy.
Last edited by: Crankcase on Wed 16 Mar 11 at 20:48
 Sick of the Olympics already - Zero
>> There are times I question my own sanity. I just thought how incredibly amusing it
>> would be to find an image on Google of "beech volleyball", imagining some high jinks
>> with a net and a couple of trees. I was going to link to it
>> to the hilarity of all.
>> The plan didn't work as intended, and Mrs C appears to be suddenly grumpy.

We would expect nothing less from a man who gets seasick in bed.
 Sick of the Olympics already - Crankcase
Good point. Well, can't sit here hobnobbing all night. I've got a lounge floor to lie on.
 Sick of the Olympics already - Focusless
There's a 'mockumentary' series running at the moment on BBC4 Mondays 10pm:

Missed the 1st episode but caught the 2nd this week; you don't need to have seen previous ones. Very funny. You can catch up on iPlayer.

The 1st episode included a count-down clock that went wrong...
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