Motoring Discussion > Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Mapmaker Replies: 27

 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Mapmaker
Received an email from a mod asking me to call a solicitor. Thought it was a bit steep as I haven't been that bad...

Turns out that I posted - in another place - about having witnessed aftermath of an accident many, many months ago.

Clever solicitor had tracked down my posting and concluded I'd seen the accident, and I was able to recall sufficient information to be useful to him.

Be careful what you post.
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Zero
Smart move, doesn't take much work, a careful and direct google and Bingo.
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - scousehonda
Did you?
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Bellboy
what i want to know is you go to some sites you think are respectable and some tart from the next town is sat waiting to hear from you on the left of the page
how does that work then
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - BobbyG
She is still on your history from the last time you did business with her :)
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Videodoctor
Your ip address gives away where you are located and which service provider you use.These companies use this info and target adverts that make out that they know where you are.Unfortunately an evil of the internet.
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Fenlander
>>>what i want to know is you go to some sites you think are respectable and some tart from the next town is sat waiting to hear from you on the left of the page how does that work then

How indeed... they've never visited me... how can I get them to?
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Mike H
>> Your ip address gives away where you are located and which service provider you use.These
>> companies use this info and target adverts that make out that they know where you
>> are.Unfortunately an evil of the internet.
What is more worrying is that I googled for central heating controllers a couple of months ago, and I'm still getting ads for them when I visit numerous websites. I'm seeing ads here & now on this site for cell phone jammers, Ugg boots, and free bingo games - never had any interst in any of them however!
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - spamcan61
Seems common these days, I Googled a DAB mini system a while back, now I get adverts for it in the margins at various sites, I assume there's a cookie on my PC that being read. Must get round to deleting cookies.
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Zero
If you dont like it, clear your cookies.
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - MD
>> If you dont like it, clear your cookies.
Correct me if I am wrong (as if!!), but doesn't Google pick one's preferences up every time one is on the net? My Computer man says that is so. If correct wouldn't clearing cookies only be a fix until the next time?

 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Old Navy
You can set IE to delete cookies on each exit.
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - MD
Ccleaner does it too. I use it after most sessions, on the computer that is.
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Woodster
Mapmaker - so what? Solicitors have no legal powers, they can't compel you to do anything, tell 'em where to go if it suits you. I witnessed a friends RTC a few years ago when we were both motorcyclists. I had a call from a solicitor talking to me in a style that suggested I had no choice but to make a statement for him. Since he worked for the other motorist I told him to go forth.
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Woodster
And I hope you charged them for your time and told them what the cost would be if they called you to court!
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Manatee
And be careful what you Tweet.
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Shiny
My initial fee is £120.00.
I am sure that you will find this acceptable.
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - AnotherJohnH
have a look here to find out about your cookie monsters:

and follow the "consumer opt out" link to do something about them.

 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Iffy
...have a look here to find out about your cookie monsters:...

Isn't there a positive side to cookies which you will lose if you zap them?

Something about remembering your log on?

Last edited by: Iffy on Tue 11 Jan 11 at 05:08
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - AnotherJohnH
..... Isn't there a positive side to cookies which you will lose if you zap them?


The link I gave gives you the opportunity to opt out of a specific company tracking you.

You can also opt back in, on an individual basis.
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - MD
>> And be careful what you Tweet.
I think he was a berk for posting it.
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Iffy
...I think he was a berk for posting it....

'Berk' is a kind way to put it.

I'm all in favour of a fairly liberal attitude to posting comment, but threatening to blow up a named airport is a very stupid thing to do.

But I don't suppose he understands the difference.

 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - madf
Jack of Kent would think differently if the idiot posted he was going to blow up Jack's house, the police ignored it and then Jack's house was blown up.

Making public death threats or threatening to blow things up is a reminder of the IRA and 7/7 - and those who support idiots have very short memories...
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Alanovich
>> 'Berk' is a kind way to put it.

Au contraire, Iffy. It's short for Berkely Hunt. Rhyming slang.>> ...I think he was a berk for posting it....

 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Iffy's short for Berkely Hunt. Rhyming slang.>...

It is, or rather was.

According to etymologists at Cambridge University, 'berk' is now a word in its own right meaning 'a stupid person'.
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Mapmaker
I don't charge for my time as a witness to road accidents when justice comes from my observations.

I always offer to be a witness if I see an accident. Seems only fair.
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Bellboy
brother was a witness to an accident and the woman he helped plaqued his life out asking if he would still be her witness

this was before where theres blame culture though

a little recompense from the solicitors coffers sounds nice though
will have to remember that one next time i go to the assistance of someone in da stress

did i mention i gave my own £1 land camera to a woman who was innocent so she could take the snaps and she never even came back to say thank you never mind replace the camera
 Big Brother watches you - be careful what you post - Roger.
Oblique to topic, but if you use Firefox, there is a nifty add-on called "Optimise Google".
This allows you many options to limit the information sent to Google from your searches etc.
That and Adblock Plus, combined with user scripts implemented by another excellent add-on, Greasemonkey, gives you substantial control over what appears on your web pages.
My Facebook page, for example, has none of the annoying carp which routinely defaces a bog-standard FB page.
Edited for typo.
Last edited by: landsker on Wed 12 Jan 11 at 19:26
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