Motoring Discussion > Warnings of speed traps. Legal Questions
Thread Author: FotheringtonTomas Replies: 10

 Warnings of speed traps. - FotheringtonTomas
So, how do you warn others of speed traps?

I tend to use a "thumbs down" on a motorbike, or a sign involving opening and closing the finers and thumb, both outstretched towards the front.
 Warnings of speed traps. - R.P.
 Warnings of speed traps. - BobbyG
I usually flash my lights as this is the way to warn others of your presence according to the Highway Code. Your honour ....
 Warnings of speed traps. - Runfer D'Hills
I don't warn anyone, I see them as decoys.
 Warnings of speed traps. - Dave_
A flash to catch the attention, then a one-handed thumb down gesture. Only to other vocational drivers, and then only where those drivers are more likely to creep over their (lower than cars') speed limits.
 Warnings of speed traps. - hobby
Just out of interest how do you know you are not flashing or signalling to an unmarked police car?

(Forget it, I am just about to read the other thread, but can't delete this post!!)
Last edited by: hobby on Tue 4 Jan 11 at 21:26
 Warnings of speed traps. - Redviper
I dont, if your speeding and get caught - tough!!

 Warnings of speed traps. - Robin O'Reliant
>> I dont, if your speeding and get caught - tough!!
Yeah, but if you get away with it, result!

How many speed traps do you see on roads where speeding is genuinely dangerous? None, because they are all waiting on straight empty roads where they know they can get the numbers.
 Warnings of speed traps. - hobby
>> because they are all waiting on straight empty roads

Not round here they aren't! The ones I've seen recently have been on a dual carriageway which leads to an open road but has a dangerous junction just before the open road, in a busy village with kids around, parked cars and blind junctions and a 30 limit which is the max speed you should be doing and on a back road where, again, they were enforcing a 30 limit in a bad visibility area...

No complaints about any of them!
 Warnings of speed traps. - L'escargot
Read Perky Penguin's thread.
 Warnings of speed traps. - SteelSpark
I put my troll on the roof of the car and he holds up a sign. I tie him to the roof rack with special troll thread.
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