Motoring Discussion > Winter driving requirements, Italy Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Mike Hannon Replies: 19

 Winter driving requirements, Italy - Mike Hannon
We are going south later this week to spend the rest of January with friends on the Cote d'Azur, near the Italian border and will probably spend some time in Italy, but only in the southern part.
I know it is now compulsory to use dipped headlights outside towns in Italy but the AA says it is also compulsory to carry snow chains between mid-October and mid-April. Can this really be true - does anyone know?
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - Bagpuss
It's only compulsory to carry snow chains in Italy if you are driving in the alpine regions.
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - CGNorwich
Always give way to a red Ferrari
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - rtj70
So the Telegraph cannot even get the Ferrari model right. There's no such thing as a Ferrari 485 but there is a 458. ;-)
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - Robin O'Reliant
No wonder the prisons are full if most villains are as thick as these two -

"Both of the arrested men are known to police and a subsequent search of the Ferrari also uncovered 27,500 Euro (£23,600) in cash which officers are trying to establish the origin of."

Keeping a low profile doesn't seem to have occurred to them.
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - PR
Now and again in Italy when the weather is really bad they will have roadblocks, even on the motorways. Anyone without chains is turned back. This doesnt happen very often however
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - Collos
They have signs some permamant some seasonal which tell you that you must have chains to continue as PR says, its best to carry some as laws are are just the same in France.
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - Roger.
Note to reporter: never end a sentence with a preposition!
("which officers are trying to establish the origin of.")
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - Mike Hannon
Thanks for the guidance. I don't plan on going near the Italian Alps or the French ones either, although I did the Col de Turini once in winter during a previous visit, with a Pug 206. I just can't be bothered these days and I can't imagine the havoc that might be wrought if I tried to put chains on the Prelude so if the weather turns grim I'll be turning back as well.

ps: I always give way to Ferraris. Well, all except once years ago when I was in a much earlier twin-cam Prelude and nipped past a Mondial while we wasn't paying attention.
Last edited by: Mike Hannon on Tue 4 Jan 11 at 11:20
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - jc2
A preposition is a word that you should not finish a sentence WITH.
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - Iffy
...A preposition is a word that you should not finish a sentence WITH....

The word 'that' is almost always used superfluously.

"A preposition is a word you should not finish a sentence WITH."
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - FotheringtonTomas

Last edited by: VxFan on Wed 5 Jan 11 at 00:55
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - FotheringtonTomas
What the hell's the matter with that?
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - FotheringtonTomas
>> What the hell's the matter with that?
>> /driving-in-italy.htm

Or even:

 Winter driving requirements, Italy - Bellboy
dont forget to pack a brolley old bean :-)
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - FotheringtonTomas
Are you allowed to say "brolly" on this innernetforumsite?
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - VxFan
Might be a banned url left over from HJ days. Will take a look later in admin to see if I can see which word caused the censorship.
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - Mike Hannon
Always got two brolllies in the boot. I'm a half-empty glass type.
But I don't carry one at all in the Beast - just watch the weather forecast closely...
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - PR

This might be a help to you. Click on traffico in tempo reale. Then you can select an area on the map and get all the traffic cameras, always a good indication on the current weather.
 Winter driving requirements, Italy - VxFan
>> Will take a look later in admin....

Yep, something in there from HJ days - to do with banned "The Times" links.

Link corrected and word removed from filter.
Last edited by: VxFan on Wed 5 Jan 11 at 00:57
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