Motoring Discussion > off white Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Buddy Replies: 15

 off white - Buddy
Why would anyone buy a white, or indeed a light coloured, car? The inevitable "filthy" winter conditions in UK combined with the poor state of so many of our non-trunk roads can wipe out in minutes the results of a good wash. Audi seem to be keen on white, but such a colour looks diabolical so much of the time. Apart from a wedding hire car outfit who else would choose white?
 off white - Runfer D'Hills
Because most people's reasons for choosing the brand, shape, colour etc of car they buy are not based upon cold rationality but upon desire and their perception of whether they can afford it.

Couple this with the industry promoting certain colours at certain times ( and white is being pushed right now ) and some will just decide they like it and want it.

'Twas ever thus.

It does look quite nice on some cars too. Funny though how not so long ago it was seen as a "cheap" option !
 off white - Skoda
When the weather's dry, that glossy finish looks great and is relatively easy to maintain with daily attention - <4 mins to run round with some QD and a microfibre anywhere you can see dust / light dirt before you set off for work.

When the weather's manky, white degrades gracefully. If a black car is manky, it's manky. If a white car is manky, it's just tough to keep clean.

It's when the weather's in between that's the problem for white. Best take it through a field on full throttle if it's not possible to clean it up quickly.
 off white - Clk Sec
There's also the safety factor. White cars are probably more visible than darker coloured cars. Never owned one, though.
 off white - Runfer D'Hills
I used to have a white Golf GTi ( well it was the '80s ! ). The tailgate was usually brownish-grey but I liked it. I changed it for a black one and the tailgate of that was usually a greyish-brown but I liked that one too, even more actually because it was a 16v. Silver hides dirt better than most colours but they all look better for a wash now and then.
 off white - Tooslow
Because some cars look good in white. Not something I'd choose I confess, but we're all different.
 off white - -
If you don't mind keeping your car clean then white is a good colour, it's easy to clean as you can see where you've washed unless in direct sunlight, if as many do you neglect them then white is the wrong colour, dirt ingraines into the paint and is a dickens of a job to remove...i'd have one.

Is this a class thing by the way, i see many Audi's and the like in white (most likely being company cars filthy dirty) but few budget cars.
 off white - henry k
>>Why would anyone buy a white, or indeed a light coloured, car?

Because I like them and do not find them a problem but I guess it helps that I have never been a road warrior burning up the miles.

In decades of motoring I started with a white car and have always bought white with only two exceptions. My current Mondeo II, as I have never seen a Ghia X in white so silver was the closest and I did have a green Triumph 2000 for a couple of years that came to me from a friend.
I will certainly not turn down a white next car.

 off white - Zero
The Fiat 500 looks utterly superb in that creamy off white shade.
 off white - R.P.
White X1 - the colour might not have been the first choice, apart from the rear hatch it's pretty clean really (oh and some drunken bird seemingly vomited on it). It was the right car at the right price an spec the colour was secondary.
 off white - Runfer D'Hills
>>(oh and some drunken bird seemingly vomited on it).

Wow, I mean I know they're not to everyone's taste but that's a bit of an extreme reaction. Understandable if had been that beige Skoda mind....

 off white - tyro
I was going to say it, but RF got there first.

I'll say it anyway. If I got a Fiat 500 (and I think they look great), I'd probably get it in white. Bossa Nova white, to be precise.
Last edited by: tyro on Sat 1 Jan 11 at 17:21
 off white - swiss tony
>> White X1 - the colour might not have been the first choice, apart from the
>> rear hatch it's pretty clean really (oh and some drunken bird seemingly vomited on it).
>> It was the right car at the right price an spec the colour was secondary.
How do you know it was a drunken bird, and not a bloke? ;-)
 off white - Bellboy
its a well known fact men dont eat carrots so a deduction was easy
 off white - AnotherJohnH
The last two cars I've bought have been white - it was the cheap/limited option.

Daughter's Panda Eco - white or school custard yellow... Hmm, tricky.

My Punto - it was the colour the car (in stock) was. Clearout model in white, or black.

The Punto is quite rewarding to clean at the moment.
 off white - madf
In a hot climate, white is the choice of sense...
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