Motoring Discussion > Crumpled corners. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Old Navy Replies: 28

 Crumpled corners. - Old Navy
This weather must be bodyshop heaven. Are there any waiting lists for sorting bodywork origami attempts yet?
 Crumpled corners. - Old Navy
I read somewhere that insurance claims had quadrupled, and that was before the south had any snow, and we all know what southern drivers are like with a dusting of snow. :-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sun 19 Dec 10 at 15:39
 Crumpled corners. - -
Pity that some insurers don't take more notice of their customers accident records, by treating loyal non claiming customers well and loading the premiums of those can't drive.

Silly pipe dream i know, there's never been much in the way of justice here, and probably against some section of ooman rights to penalise those who deserve it without making the innocent pay proportionately more.

I'll get this post removed hopefully should i bend one of ours..;)
 Crumpled corners. - RattleandSmoke
Well it is going to have to happen. Insurance premiums cannot keep rising like they have been. It is about time that the ambulance chasers were made ilegal too.
 Crumpled corners. - Tooslow
" Insurance premiums cannot keep rising like they have been" Why not? You have to have insurance. Well, sort of... Unless one insurer breaks ranks and EVERYONE is smart enough to switch, or InsuranceOff can prove a cartel then, up they go.
 Crumpled corners. - RattleandSmoke
Because if people cannot afford to insure their cars then they may not be able to afford to go work. I know so many people in transport poverty already. That being that a huge proportion of their income goes into running a car which is essential for their work.

I am already paying £86 a month for insurance and it hurts, if it goes up to £130 next year with the loan that is £260 a month on a group 1 car before I even start with petrol, servicing or tax.
 Crumpled corners. - Tooslow
The insurance companies are in business to make money, like every other company. So you can't get to work. Tough. They'll make money from their remaining customers.
 Crumpled corners. - RattleandSmoke
But then more people will be forced to drive uninsured etc. They really need to change their business model as it currently penalises good drivers with no points and accidents etc.

My friend has been involved at least five crashes, she is younger than me, she has 3 points for going through on red. To her a bump in a car park is a monthly thing yet she pays just £10 a month for me than me.

Changes in the law regarding to the legal system would reduce premiums, at the moment I am pretty sure more than half my premium is going into the lawyers pockets.
 Crumpled corners. - Skoda
If you insured the car to a non existant 55 year old woman who does 25 miles a year, your insurance premium would be £150 / year and you'd never be pulled over to find out you're not the insured driver.

I should sell this master plan.
 Crumpled corners. - RattleandSmoke
Until I have an accident and get done for fraud etc..... The reason this is highly relvant is I want told the reason for my £400 increase was that people kept crashing in last years snow. I can only assume it will now go up another 30% next year.

 Crumpled corners. - movilogo
>> non existant 55 year old woman

Make it a real person (e.g. your granny) and it is 100% legal. This is a well practiced strategy recommended in MSE forum.

Adding your wife/GF also reduces premium (even if they are provisional license holder and do not really drive your car).

But probably the most influencing factor on insurance premium is your post code.

 Crumpled corners. - RattleandSmoke
My dad is added as a named driver, but he is not allowed to drive my car for reasons I won't go into to on here but adding his as a named driver reduced my premium by £20 with the added bonus of if he does ever need to drive it he would be covered fully comp. The only times he has driven if is to move it if he needs access to his car.

I think the postcode is a big problem it is one of the better parts of Manchester for car crime but it is still a Manchester postcode and the city does have a problem with car crime.

 Crumpled corners. - Old Navy
I wonder if motorists are subsidising the huge claims that businesses will be making for losses due to bad weather ?
 Crumpled corners. - RattleandSmoke
In what sense? Loss to vehicles or loss of stock?
 Crumpled corners. - Old Navy
>> In what sense? Loss to vehicles or loss of stock?

Loss of profit, they know what they should make, and insure against consequential losses.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sun 19 Dec 10 at 16:41
 Crumpled corners. - MD
>> But probably the most influencing factor on insurance premium is your post code.
My Man on the inside informs me that Bradford is nigh on impossible. Wonder why!
 Crumpled corners. - Collos
You do not need car insurance in Bradford my mother lives there and I visit often its a free for all no police on the streets it has to seen to be believed.
 Crumpled corners. - Old Navy
>> You do not need car insurance in Bradford my mother lives there and I visit
>> often its a free for all no police on the streets it has to seen
>> to be believed.

How many countries driving laws are used (or broken) in Bradford ?
 Crumpled corners. - Collos
They break laws that have not been made yet,it has the highest cases of driving with no insurance 56% of cars have no insurance was the insurance companies and I think that is conservative.
 Crumpled corners. - RattleandSmoke
Some of the stories have to be heared from the horses mouth to be believed.

One of my friends used to live in Bradford as we went to university there he said crime was so bad he decided to move to Salford. He now lives in a rougher part of Salford but says it is nothing compared to Bradford.

If it is 56% surely they would all get crushed? I suspect it is more like a lot of fraud which is going on. Fronting and that sort of thing. I bet there is a lot of Mr whatever in Bradford with about ten cars.
 Crumpled corners. - CGNorwich
Make it a real person (e.g. your granny) and it is 100% legal.

No it isn't it's fraud.
 Crumpled corners. - hawkeye
Not so much corners but my local indie pointed out an X-type waiting to go into the bodyshop with a crumpled bonnet. Result of a melting snow avalanche.
 Crumpled corners. - Old Navy
I have a "grippy" concrete tile roof, I still don't park too close to the house though since seeing people flattened by roof avalanches last week on TV.
 Crumpled corners. - Pat
I agree with the idea of drivers with better records paying lower premiums, though I have to say I find the cost of car insurance pretty reasonable. I've just renewed for my wife's Audi A4, £218, though last year was £176. And my Passat 2.0tdi is about the same. Not bad imo.

A colleague pays £600 for a BMW 120d!
 Crumpled corners. - bathtub tom
What would happen if the heavily loaded policy holders had to pay such a high premium the insurance companies started losing money because they didn't bother with insurance?

Do you think the insurance companies might raise the premiums of those drivers they knew would pay the increased premiums, so the premiums of the more risky policy holders could be kept lower?
 Crumpled corners. - Netsur
Just had our renewal quote from our brokers. The original company wanted £2550! The broker got it down to £1336 with another company and then £836 with a third but I got it online with Liverpool Victoria for £669.

We have had three claims in 2.5 years and Espadrille has an SP30. She comes from London - says it all. Completely oblivious to things around her. Mind you the last claim, she rolled at 1mph into the back of car at school and the driver claimed for whiplash and lost earnings etc etc. I felt like taking her to the police for fraud.
 Crumpled corners. - Cliff Pope
What would happen if they introduced much bigger NCDs that took far longer to build up?

How about a 90% discount for 10 years no claims?
 Crumpled corners. - Kevin
A few years ago when we were living in Austin we woke up to find that a cold front had swept in from Canada turning light drizzle into freezing rain followed by snow. The roads were covered in ice with a crunchy frosting and US183 was littered with vehicles that had found the storm ditches.

KLRU, the local public broadcaster reported that there were more than 800 fender benders that morning (in a population of approx one million).

Bodyshops thought that all their Christmas's had come at once.

 Crumpled corners. - BobbyG
Something that I have wondered about is how is blame apportioned in accidents due to this weather? 2 cars sliding into each other on a snow covered road? One car pirouettes and another car hits it? Is it the fault of the second car for not leaving enough breaking distance?
r is there a lot of 50-50 claims?
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