My very fine Irish uncle, a family man and Dublin businessman of repute, used to say: 'Blue blue pencil...' when seriously annoyed.
My father greatly surprised me by uttering the F word in a first-class railway compartment in Pembrokeshire in about 1952, the only time I ever heard it from him. Something must have annoyed him although for once it wasn't me. A friend of his though, a nice well-heeled gent with two daughters, used to turn the air blue for miles around at the drop of a hat although the F word wasn't a word he used. Used to keep his daughters in fits of laughter and his wife in permanent paroxysms of weary embarrassment.
I myself have rich vocabularies of oaths and expletives in half a dozen languages and argots, and I use them all constantly.
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Tue 16 Mar 10 at 15:15