Motoring Discussion > Potholes caused by low ambient temperatures Miscellaneous
Thread Author: L'escargot Replies: 12

 Potholes caused by low ambient temperatures - L'escargot
I haven't seen any myself yet, but I thought I ought to start the thread ready for when the snow thaws.
 Potholes caused by low ambient temperatures - R.P.
Funnily enough they're already appearing around here along with much cracking of old tarmac. What a mess eh ?
 Potholes caused by low ambient temperatures - Boxsterboy
Plenty in Surrey.

By the way, it is not low ambient temperatures but the freezing of water (which then expands in the tarmac) which creates or makes potholes worse. Some potholes can of course occur just through wear and tear (and poor maintenance).
 Potholes caused by low ambient temperatures - Pat

That's a big one.

 Potholes caused by low ambient temperatures - VxFan
>> Plenty in Surrey.

And Oxfordshire.

In fact the highways dept haven't repaired some of the pot holes from the last big freeze back in Jan of this year yet! One pothole I reported took 6 months to be repaired.
 Potholes caused by low ambient temperatures - Redviper
Scotch Corner, on the A1608 Approch to the roundabout - I think this was resurfaced within the past year, and two holes have already appeared fortunatly the road is lit by streetlights so I could see them before piling into them,-1.670823&spn=0.006102,0.013797&z=16
 Potholes caused by low ambient temperatures - Cliff Pope
The ageless progression of the British seasons, marked by The first cuckoo of spring, The first traffic jam of summer, and now The first pothole of winter.

What do we have for Autumn - The first Christmas decorations?
 Potholes caused by low ambient temperatures - Oldgit
I will be extra busy with which I have used so many times this year, already, trying to get last winter's potholes sorted out.
Last edited by: Oldgit on Thu 9 Dec 10 at 14:40
 Potholes caused by low ambient temperatures - VxFan
>> I will be extra busy with

I gave up with that site after taking 6 months for a pot hole to be fixed that I and several others reported.
 Potholes caused by low ambient temperatures - L'escargot
>> >> I will be extra busy with
>> I gave up with that site after taking 6 months for a pot hole to
>> be fixed that I and several others reported.

It's probably more that your local council can't keep up with road repairs, rather than a failing on the part of fixmystreet. Fixmystreet merely passes on your complaint.
 Potholes caused by low ambient temperatures - bathtub tom
>> I gave up with that site after taking 6 months for a pot hole to be fixed that I and several others reported.

It doesn't matter how long it takes to fix it. If the report's on that site and somebody damages their car as a result of a reported pothole, then it must improve their chances of successfully claiming for the damage caused.
 Potholes caused by low ambient temperatures - smokie
"What do we have for Autumn - The first Christmas decorations?"

Local Tesco Direct had a display of Easter eggs the other day...well, not quite proper eggs, but a number of shelves of chocolate rabbits, Kinders, creme eggs - clearly Easter type stuff.
 Potholes caused by low ambient temperatures - L'escargot
Now that all the snow has disappeared off the roads round here, there are loads of potholes apparent. In some cases whole areas of the road surface are breaking up.
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