Motoring Discussion > 880 yard road closure. 18 mile detour Miscellaneous
Thread Author: bathtub tom Replies: 9

 880 yard road closure. 18 mile detour - bathtub tom
Bedford council have decided to close the High street for a Christmas fair for a period of three days 7.00pm 9/12/10 to 7.00 12/12/10.

It's reported the posted detour is eighteen miles long.

I'd advise everyone to avoid the place like the plague. The first day of closure's a Friday and a school day at that.
 880 yard road closure. 18 mile detour - jc2
There are plenty of roads thro' or around the town centre without using the High St.Is this just for one type of vehicle by any way?
 880 yard road closure. 18 mile detour - Mike Hannon
Sort of thing they do in France all the time - and never an explanation or apology.
 880 yard road closure. 18 mile detour - bathtub tom
>> There are plenty of roads thro' or around the town centre without using the High
>> St.Is this just for one type of vehicle by any way?

If you know the town, would you want to take a forty tonner round the back streets? I suppose the posted route has to cater for these.

It'll only affect the Southbound traffic, directly.

The problem with Bedford's the river crossings, a bit like Shrewsbury.
 880 yard road closure. 18 mile detour - -
Bedford's not a problem for trucks, no obvious low bridges to worry about and the few weight limits are easily worked around with a bit of nous...mind you those relying on satnavs won't fare well.

Where exactly is the diversion going.
 880 yard road closure. 18 mile detour - bathtub tom
>>Where exactly is the diversion going.

I haven't been able to find that out. I'd guess out to the East to pick up the by-pass and then back along it.

No low bridges? They had this last week. Makes a change from the buses that cut their tops off on it:
 880 yard road closure. 18 mile detour - jc2
I used to go Cotton End to the A428 for Northhanpton & back-didn't use the High St.-I used Midland Rd.
Last edited by: jc2 on Sun 21 Nov 10 at 15:26
 880 yard road closure. 18 mile detour - -

>> No low bridges? They had this last week. Makes a change from the buses that
>> cut their tops off on it:

face palmed, there's always one...12'6'', i wouldn't take a modern tractor unit near it let alone try to get a load through.

 880 yard road closure. 18 mile detour - jc2
It's not in the town centre.Looks like the Elstow Rd.,Kempston.
Last edited by: jc2 on Sun 21 Nov 10 at 15:45
 880 yard road closure. 18 mile detour - movilogo
IIRC some motorway junctions are closed during night (22:00-05:00) for improvement(?) work. That is probably less than 880 yards which require several miles of detour.
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