Some Insurance companies are " encouraging " lorry drivers to have a camera installed in the cab to record the drivers view for each and every trip.
The stated objective is to record incidents like cars slammimg on the brakes in front in order to cause a collision and put in a big claim for injuries.
Pat. Can you comment on this?
BBC Working Lunch on R4 (12 MAR) has an item at the end of the programme covering this.
It was suggested that cars might also benefit from such cameras.
Last edited by: henry k on Fri 12 Mar 10 at 13:44
All big bus companies have cameras on their vehicles now, not just facing forwards but also postioned at the back and on the sides.
I can't comment on lorries and buses but I've been tempted to get one of these for the work van and the car,
Not sure I can justify £200 at the moment but I could put it through the business.........
In the last 3 years or so there has been a big increase in claims for rear end shunts caused intentionally.
Most major cities have small groups who make money from buying oldish cars cheaply and then pulling in front of a lorry and braking sharply to cause a slow speed shunt.
Since the vehicle at the back is always to blame, they then get a 'write off' payout.
There is never any proof that it was done deliberately and a camers would prove this.
The 'professionals' seem to have this manouvre off to a T, and can anticipate just how far in front, and how hard to brake, to make enough contact to do the damage to the vehicle but not the drivers.
It's an encouraging sign that the insurance companies are now beginning to recognise this and want to encourage a device that will prove the lorry drivers innocence.
I don't want to divert from the original topic, but would like to add that in any circumstances involving a lorry it is always, without fail, presumed to be the lorries fault until proven otherwise as we see by the reporting of 'the lorry driver was arrested at the scene of the accident'.
A couple of years ago, one of our drivers had a woman drive into the side of his trailer at speed, with the intention of committing suicide.
It worked.
He was arrested, but released very quickly, the lorry and trailer was impounded for almost 2 weeks. It was examined meticulously for faults. The drivers tachograph records were examined with a fine tooth comb, going back for up to a year for any discrepancies.
Everything was found to be absolutely fine, but through all this and long afterwards, the driver was 'in bits' blaming himself in some way for not realising what she wanted to do and avoiding it.
He's fine now, but still remembers that as a dark time and a camera would have helped in a situation like this.
>> The 'professionals' seem to have this manouvre off to a T and can anticipate just
>> how far in front and how hard to brake to make enough contact to do
>> the damage to the vehicle but not the drivers.
Good post Pat, one almost wishes a truck driver realising in that instant what the game was made a mistake and got the pedals mixed up.
They don't try it with car transporters that i'm aware of...yet, that peak car has been known to come off in similar circs, poetic justice.
Our local bus company doesn't need a camera to record what vehicles in front do. On the non-standard very substantial front bumper of one of its double deckers it says "He who dares loses" and I for one wouldn't like to put it to the test!
i for one would have a camera in my cab if offered one
because how many times have you been driving your wagon at the max permissible speed in the first lane and some jack ass sweeps straight across you from the 3rd lane because he/she has just realised they need this turning or the world will stop revolving
I would have thought, that for some operators it would make good commercial sense.
I have roadhawk cams fitted in all 4 of my cars & wouldn't be without! I even have some footage considering putting on youtube!
I was stung by my insurance company when my car was hit whilst i was stationary but with no witnesses had to go 50/50 not doing that again! I am amazed at the fottage sometimes ! & as the copper in the video says a picture paints a thousand words.
Pat - I fear your usual balanced input is a little unbalanced this time. yes, an arrest is routine in cases of serious injury or fatality, but it doesn't apply only to lorry drivers. In any case, isn't it the function of the police to investigate? You must remember that any investigation today must be unbiased and seek evidence either way. Investigations have frequently found in favour of an arrested person contrary to what a scene may appear to present. In cases of fatality, or likely fatality, HM Coroner requires such an investigation, so police have little choice. And don't forget relatives who will be seeking clear answers as to why such an event took place. I would also suggest that an arrest provides certain protections for the arrested person - investigation time is strictly controlled by law (PACE) and there is guaranteed access to free and independent legal advice. I know an arrest appears like a judgement but it isn't. It's part of an expeditious investigative process. You must accept that some people out there would not make themselves available for interview if it were done on an informal basis and they would seek to delay proper investigation. Arrest assists an expeditious investigation for all concerned.
Morning Wooster, good to see you here at last!
I think you missed my point a little. I fully understand why it happens and have no problem in that whatsoever.
The case above was related to enable others to understand the impact any serious accident can, and does, have on innocent parties, the employers and all concerned.( the bereaved too)
It was made to illustrate the use of cameras on a vehicle and also to encourage the public in general, not to read too much into what the media report after an accident.
As it happens you've also confirmed that!
Too often there are those words at the bottom of a newspaper report 'the lorry driver was arrested' and the jury is out for the vast majority.
I also wanted to show the impact the loss of a lorry, trailer and driver for a couple of weeks has on any firm struggling to survive profitably. It's one of those expenses that isn't recoverable and can rarely be budgeted for.
Hope this explanation helps but it's still the thing most lorry drivers ( and maybe car drivers too) dread.
Knowing you can go out in the morning to do a normal days work, do nothing wrong, but still end up arrested and listening to the 'there's no smoke without fire' brigade.
Thanks Pat. Good to have found everyone. Did you all find this by chance or were you all sending secret messages to each other ?? Obviously I wasn't part of the 'in-crowd'!! If you all disappear again I'll know it's me that's the problem!
Woodster, you need to make sure you occasionally email someone about something offline, makes it far easier for rumours about new found lands to spread. :-)
My email is available in my profile:)
Stat - good point but I'd be like those youngsters with a bookface full of virtual friends. I like to meet mine for some food and drink!
Sorry, forgot to say -I'm off to auto trader to pretend I own some of those nice cars on there....