what's your site? We can have a quick look for you.
Often this can happen if you have vulnerabilty in your code which can leave you open to SQL injection.
contact forms are often a favourite target for this as websites generally save those details into a database somewhere, likewise if your'e using a opensource cms such as wordpress etc and it's not latest version - you can be open to exploits. (sometimes even if is latest version :( )
-- as people spend alot of time trying to exploit any loopholes in these systems as they know they have a ready stack of sites they can try and hack.
Can also, easily happen if you allow people to upload files and u don't check well enough.
Furthermore, unfortunately this can often happen if u are on shared hosts and one of the others sites get compromised :(
Last edited by: LEDFoot on Fri 12 Mar 10 at 10:13