52 years of living hell, I should think. Child killers don't get much sympathy in the Big House and because of his high profile he'll be a constant target.
>> 52 years of living hell, I should think. Child killers don't get much sympathy in
>> the Big House and because of his high profile he'll be a constant target.
>> He made a full admission and stated how he was glad the girls died.
>> That made his intentions perfectly clear and gives him full responsibility.
Well no, not really, I am no shrink, but that makes him sound insane to me.
Miss Z was involved in one of the stabbing cases that made the news over the last year.
It has left her quite shaken up. She has operated on a fair number of stab victims but this one resonates.
She was leaving work after a long shift in another dept, walking past A&E on the way to the carpark when the ambulance arrived. She was called over by an accompanying policewoman who recognised her.
All theatres were in use so the victim had to be treated there.
She was joined by nurses, other junior doctors and a consultant (ex-military) but as her hands were the smallest, she had the job of exploring inside the victim's body with her fingers and repairing. The consultant despite working in war-zones, was also shocked.
The victim had nearly 30 stab wounds. She survived. Others did not.
I posted about witness statements elsewhere here and this was why. She was asked to detail what went on in treating the patient and how serious the wounds were in her view - Miss Z was amazed the victim survived - I wonder as to whether this would be attempted murder or a lesser charge. Luckily she did not have to give evidence in court as the police forensic team took her statement etc would have presented it if required, but was asked to be available just in case. The police forensic people did take photos of the victims wounds but still wanted statements.
This is heavily edited - some of the detail is awful.