I was wondering whether there are any of our more senior members who remember the start of the last ‘proper’ Labour Government in 1974.
This lot seem to be an absolute shower; almost as though they saw what Truss/Kwarteng did (and they were arguably reasonably sensible but brought down by the ‘blob’) and thought ‘the ‘blob’ will protect us, let’s push the boat out further.’
I well remember 1997,98,99,00,01,02,03… when Messrs Blair-Brown seemed invincible. Messianic I think was the term applied to Mr Blair.
This lot seem to be like a leaky sieve, already. I begin to wonder whether their Government will last anything like five years or whether they will fall on their sword in a Sunak fashion and just call an early election to get out of it. There’s a long way to go before that, obviously, but they’re undisciplined and incompetent and that does not lead to an easily governable party.