Non-motoring > Tree removal Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Bobby Replies: 14

 Tree removal - Bobby
My dad lives in a conservation area up here in Scotland. Not sure if there are equivalents in England but it means there are restrictions in what he can do to trees, house modifications etc.

He has a huge tree in his back garden, prob in excess of 15m , that is less than 10m from house. Blocks sunlight, sways hugely and worryingly in the wind.

I applied to the council to either remove it or cut it down to a manageable height.

Council have now responded with 2 options.
1. Remove the tree totally and if we do, we need to plant 3 new trees of a spec they have given us. No tree surgeon reports would be required if we choose this.
2. Cut the tree down to a manageable level. If we want to do this we need to pay a tree surgeon or whoever to prepare a report to be submitted to the Council and permission granted before we do it.

I know nothing about trees but why would they only want a report if we are cutting it down? Would this be something that tells them that the tree will still be alive and continue to grow or something along those lines?

Logic, mine anyway, would be if totally removing a tree and planting 3 new ones would require the reports rather than the cutting down?
 Tree removal - Terry
If the tree is severely pruned it could become an eyesore if not done properly. This may not just affect your dads view, but also that of neighbours and from the street.

It may also be a report is standard practice whenever tree work is required in a conservation area or (in England) where the tree is subject to a preservation order. If not done properly the tree may anyway die and you would ultimately need to remove it at extra cost.

To completely remove the tree is simple but more costly as I assume the main trunk and roots will also need to go to make room to plant three new. There is no need for a tree surgeon report as there will be nothing left.

However, you may want some tree surgeon advice - given the height of the tree and distance from the house, roots may already extend to the house. Particularly if the tree is removed it could impact foundations (hopefully not!!)
 Tree removal - Bromptonaut
I suspect that cutting it down to a manageable level could kill it unless done properly/professionally.

Next door has a walnut tree subject to a tree preservation order. It really needs sorting out as it overhanging us and the folks behind. She was quoted £3k+ which she simply cannot afford so it goes on growing.
 Tree removal - Manatee
Depending on the size (bulk) of the tree and nature of the ground I might be concerned about the possibility of heave damage to the building if it was to be removed. The tree must take up a lot of water.

Not that I would really have the knowledge to assess it but I'd try to find somebody who has before removing it.

Tricky situation really because leaving such a large tree will certainly deter a lot of potential buyers and eventually the roots might damage the house anyway. On the other hand you don't want the house cracking if the ground swells up.

We took out a tall tree, probably 10 metres, when we rebuilt the house. It was probably only 7-8 metres away from the house which we were demolishing anyway, and we dug such a big hole for the raft that it was inconsequential. It was also a fast growing conifer but not very massive and actually had quite a small root structure, barely a couple of metres really. And probably only 30 or so years old. A big old deciduous tree would be a very different case.
 Tree removal - zippy
We fell in love with our current house because of the trees.

In hindsight, they're a 'mare. All at the front of the house are covered by TPOs and the cost of maintaining them is prohibitive.

The other annoying thing is that they provide so much shade that moss grows everywhere.

 Tree removal - CGNorwich
I have two large 150 year old oak trees on my boundary. The nearest is about 8 metres from the boundary. They were there when the house was built about 25 years ago and are now subject to TPOs. I have a sort of love hate relationship with them. They don’t pose a threat to the house since it is built on deep piled foundations.

They do cast a lot of shade and part of my garden is therefore devoted to shade loving plants. In summer the shade can be welcome especially over the garden room which would otherwise become unbearably hot. Of course in Autumn the shade problem disappears when the trees shed their leaves which is most convenient as in winter the garden room is bright and sunny.

The leaves themselves can be a pain and the end of November is devoted to a lot of raking. I compost the leaves, they take two years to decompose in a a leaf bin, so I have an unlimited supply of leaf mould for free. They do block the gutters so I pay for a gutter cleaning service every January. My ladder climbing days are over!

The trees also harbour a lot of wildlife from squirrels to bats. Are a roost for magpies in winter and a perch for a tawny owl in winter.
 Tree removal - sooty123
Some people seem to have little thought as to what trees will grow to. Huge trees more suitable for a park seem popular for putting in around homes. Causes boundary disputes, planning problems, high costs. Trees should be in and around homes but suitable ones.

Good work for tree surgeons and gardeners though.
 Tree removal - bathtub tom
Before moving here, we rejected several properties because of large trees. I removed a stand of blackthorns (much to the pleasure of a neighbour).

In the OP's position I'd consider removing the tree and planting the three new further away. By the time they grow to be a problem they'd be SEP (Somebody Else's Problem). The new trees could also be easily removed early on.
 Tree removal - Zero
We have extensive TPO's in Surrey. I have three Silver birches, that are not under a TPO, 20 metres away, currently 9 metres high, so not an structural threat issue, but need pro trimming and topping every 5 years or so. due about now.

My friend lives on a estate with lots of mature big oak trees, all with TPO's - understandable all a natural historical and environmental asset, lovely to look at, but a pita, blocks sunlight, sucks the nutrients out the soil, so keeping a lawn is hard work, leaf fall season is hard work, but worse of all is Oak Processionary Moth, gets it every year makes the tree a no go area, and requires expensive work to mitigate.

I'd move, it would drive me round the bend.

 Tree removal - Bobby
Council have cave back to me with an explanation:

Due to the property being within the conservation area, where we would normally try to retain trees, however in this instance we understand the concerns due to its size, therefore, if you were to go for the option of pruning/topping, a tree report/survey would be required as this provides detailed information about the condition, health, and management recommendations for the tree and ensures it will be cut back and remain in good health. Any removal or pruning would require to be carried out by a suitably qualified person.

I do wonder about planting 3 new trees (would need to be in same area due to hard standing in other places) but then lopping them every year so they don’t grow high and it’s not so noticeable that they are lopped.

Existing tree is silver birch BTW.

My dad is 92, as I keep saying to him every time there is a repair or maintenance issue, if he knew when he was gonna pop his clogs, it would make decision making easier on these projects!
 Tree removal - Ted

I have removed two Manchester Poplars from the end of my garden. They were about 50 ft high and were rotting from the top. They had been planted in totally the wrong place, leaf fall was a problem and it came to a head when one branch fell onto the garage roof. It was 27 ft long and fortuanately it's fall was cushioned by it's sub-branches so there was no damage. I found, on going up, that the branches were hanging on the edge of a previously cut trunk about 20 ft high. The flat top of the trunk was mostly 'hole'. I dipped the water in one and it was over 2ft deep.

The lads and I took a few days with my mains electric chainsaw and a chipper to deal with all the wood. Any too big to chip was taken by a friend for his log burner.

I was left with two stumps about 20ft high visible over the back of the garage so I got a firm in to take them down and cut them into 2ft discs for easier movement. Job well done.

I enjoy watching these guys in NW USA. Jacob and the team are real careful experts and to see him at the top of a 170ft Cottonwood is fascinating ! Held only by a flipline !

 Tree removal - R.P.
We've lived on both sides of a similar problem. The house on Anglesey had about 8 TPOs and next door had one very dodgy one. We solved the impending problem by selling the house, just in time as the dodgy one was blown down a few months after we moved.

Where we live now next door have a significant number of TPOd trees, not really our problem but there is a risk they may fall onto our property.

Within our garden we have a number of smaller trees which have no orders on them. My one and only experience as a lumberjack (albeit reluctant) was to cut one tree down as it was affecting a retaining wall. Down it came with an axe and electric chain saw, my dear wife filmed the event in case it ended badly which it didn't

Next door paid proper tree surgeons to cut a tree down as it was undermining our fence. He even gave us the wood which burns very nicely.
 Tree removal - Fullchat
My daughters end terrace was sited on what had previously been a Convent. The rear garden contained a well established Sycamore tree, Carved in the trunk were many initials from students who had been at the Convent.
Problem was that it had massively outgrown its surroundings. The sap covered everything in the vicinity and the leaf fall turned into mud in the communal car park which blocked the drains. Gutters blocked with leaves. My main concern was the potential impact of roots on foundations and drains. Worst case scenario was if it fell over it would hit the house. Not a lot to like really.

Google Earth:

I think this was before we bought the house as its dated 2008. You can see that the privet hedge had been allowed to explode. All maintenance was down to yours truly. :( As the leaves were from our tree I felt obliged to tidy and clean up the mess. This was why we subsequently sold and not rented.

I had the professionals in and it was removed back end of 2020. The rings were transported home and I'm still burning the logs :)

Its removal vastly improved the immediate area. Although Sycamore seeds were well embeded in the gravel rear garden and started growing and it was an odious kneeling task to get rid of them.

The owner of the property behind the white van removed the trees which grew and added to the mess.


You can even see the privet hedge was under control. However after cutting it back hard it still expanded again.

My advice. Get rid and play the replanting game.

Last edited by: Fullchat on Tue 17 Dec 24 at 18:19
 Tree removal - sooty123
FC good example of a tree far too large for it's location.
 Tree removal - Dog
I have 4 large oak trees with TPOs in my garden, the owse hasn't been lived in for the last 12 months so I had 1 or 2 leaves to pick up!!

The previous owner applied twice to the council to have the crowns reduced, but didn't go about it the right way.

Neighb called in a tree surgeon, sent the report to council and got the okay.
they do look awful though, nuffink like oak trees.

I will eventually call in a surgeon to reduce the crown, but I don't want 'em butchered.
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