It slId out of the frIdge on It's back, legs movIng feebly. Must have been In wIth a prevIous occupants food, as It went up behInd the Icebox, as though It knew that was safe.
GIant OrIental cockroach, that Is.
As they have returned under the door on prevIous trIps, I popped thIs one over the balcony Instead of the corrIdor.
Do you thInk It would have come to In the 30c heat (before hIttIng the pavement, or someones head?)
What mIght It thInk on the way down?
ReportIng from the PhIlIppInes.
Cockroaches are amoured, one of the only species that will survive nuclear war. It bounced. Him and his mates will be back to get you
I suppose if it hit something hard with sufficient velocity, the last thing to pass through it's mind would be it's rrrrrs.
Do cockroaches have wings?
Ys they have wIngs. I was wonderIng If they had bred theIr way up to the 7th floor though. You know - gradually makIng theIr way up, lIke occupants of a starshIp, lIvIng and dyIng and knowIng only 'hotel'
>>> It slId out of the frIdge on It's back, legs movIng feebly <<<
The poor old soak has probably been @ your Tiger beer by the sound of it.