All done in 2 1/2 hours.
"I thought the car looked a bit funny, I thought it was the lighting," she explained.
>>All done in 2 1/2 hours...
Insurance companies will be looking closely at the bills from repairs: "but it only took the thieves 2 1/2 hours, why are you charging us for 8?"
Re the scrotes, castration is too good for them!
>> Re the scrotes, castration is too good for them!
...well, maybe; but they could sell the bits for spares......
This goes back to my other post on Copart.
By selling damaged repairables they are creating demand for more vehicles to be stolen or stripped.
In fact I read last week about a chop shop that had been shut down and that was exactly their MO. Bought salvage vehicles and then stole vehicles to order to strip down and get the salvage vehicle back on the road.
Insurance companies are facilitating it.
Exactly this. The insurance companies think that it is in their interest to mitigate losses in the event of the original claim, not realising that they end up paying (probably more) anyway when another car gets stolen to repair the first car!