Thanks for your help Smokie.
I did everything you suggested and after some considerable time then indeed the transfer took place. That's the good news.
The bad news is that it transferred the same information / music as happened a year ago, and not the full kit and caboodle of all the music I had on the old PC. Most odd....
The old PC shows everything being there (and as is on the iPod from when it was last plugged into it (well over a year ago)) but there are dozens of albums missing when it's on the new PC, plus the play-lists.
Does it matter that many (but not all) of the albums had been CD's that I had placed in the CD drive of the old PC and saved into iTunes from it a few years ago?
That would perhaps account for some of the missing ones, but definately not all, and as I say, they are all showing in Itunes on the old PC, as are various playlists that are not showing when I transfer it across to the new one either.
I did have my daughter and her boyfriend by my side to check and agree with everything I was doing, so your guide was perfect and followed to the letter but with regrettably no joy.
Therefore I suspect that there might be more than one sent of files on the old PC, but that would seem to be odd, and why would they not be in the same place?
Anyway, after some expressed incredulity as to why I was causing myself so much pain, the 'kids' helped guide me to set up Spotify and show me how to get all my music on that, and then how to connect that wirelesly to the new car so the app is on the dashboard of the car's system and my phone just syncs to it. So, I have music! I am a happy bunny in that respect and the process was surprisingly smooth
Now I just need to download / establish a link to all of my saved music... From A-Z I have done to C's but I am a way off from ZZ Top! :)
They do have HMHB though, so that's good :)
So, I still want to get things onto the ITunes just out of plain b*****-mindedness, but it is not quite so important.
Is this user-error I wonder?