So. Your iTunes library can live anywhere on your PC, even on an external drive.
For my own convenience I don't have it in the default location. But you will know the default location from your efforts above.
Does your PC have a second drive (D drive?. If so that is often a good place for it.
Anyway - make your iTunes folder then copy all the iTunes stuff into that folder. All the better if that include iTunes media (your songs etc).
Then the bit which often takes a few attempts...
Hold down the shift button while you start iTunes. If it works, this will throw up a prompt for the location of the iTunes library. Just use Choose Library and point it at your newly created library and Robert is your uncle. (You may have trouble getting this panel to come up - I usually take 3 or 4 goes - but keep the shift held down all the time it is starting. Also if you were double clicking the iTunes icon on your desktop try just highlighting it and pressing enter while holding the shift down.)
Once you are in, go to Edit/Preferences/advanced and the details ought to be unchanged form your old settings which you grabbed earlier - except the library may need changing if you've put it in a different place.
Your iPod will already be configured as its configuration is stored in one of the files you have copied across, not a new one, so you ought to be able to just sync it right away (after you've checked all your albums etc are there of course)
I think that's it. iTunes will remember where stuff is once it's been told once.
The good thing about doing it that way is that it is non-destructive i.e. you can't lose your stuff at any point.
Have a go and come back with any queries, or questions, especially if anything isn't clear. Good luck.