Non-motoring > Man without brain versus Crocodile. Tax / Insurance / Warranties
Thread Author: No FM2R Replies: 19

 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - No FM2R

FFS, what are these people like.
 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - bathtub tom
Is this safe? I get a 'Verify your age' message.
 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - No FM2R
It is safe, it's just Youtube being all grandma
 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - Zero
Well something was mangled, lot of blood dripping, but he had everything attached. Lucky fella.
 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - bathtub tom
It wants my credit card, driving licence or passport. I'll give it a miss.
 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - No FM2R
Christ no, don't give it *any* of that.
 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - No FM2R
FYI it's a straight Youtube link and it didn't do *anything* like that with me. Nor should it.
 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - Bromptonaut
I got a warning of distressing content but then it launched straight to images of man in Croc's mouth.
 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - Dog
Use a credit card to verify immediately
You won’t be charged. Any transaction fee will be fully refunded.
Use your ID

Submit an image of a valid ID like your driver’s license or passport. It may take up to 3 days to verify your ID.

 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - sooty123
I got some weird link about needing verify my age. I'm not that bothered about watching it.
 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - legacylad
Presumably not the Scotch bloke from Dundee ?
 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - R.P.
Worked fine here. No need for credit card verification
 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - Duncan
>> Submit an image of a valid ID like your driver’s license or passport. It may
>> take up to 3 days to verify your ID.

As you haven't got a driver's license, you will have to give them your passport.
 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - Zero
where the hell are some you ending up? It cant be the youtube vid that mark pointed you at.,

Ah right, just done an experiment, if you are not logged into google, dont have a google account or dont have a youtube account, you need to age verify,
Last edited by: Zero on Tue 30 Nov 21 at 23:38
 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - Crankcase
Got that age verification thing on Youtube a few months ago even when logged in to my Google account. Lots of videos wouldn't play at all, nothing dodgy.

Googled it of course and it seems they are rolling it out to everyone in batches. Best as I can tell, once your account is flagged there's no getting around it, they want your id if you want to see anything above a U rating on YouTube.

Gave up trying to find a way round it in the end, gave them my driving licence stuff, now it's fine. Was jolly annoying though.
 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - Dog
Nope, I've complied with all that, and it still wants me to jump frew hoops.
 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - Dog
>>As you haven't got a driver's license, you will have to give them your passport.

Is that to Lidl ole me?

I do have a driver's licence, but it's the old type, and the address on it is about 5 properties ago.

Ill eagle I know, but this is godforsaken Cornwall.

My passport is likewise, but as I've lived in the duchy for 24 years, I don't require one when I cross the Tamar.

 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - Crankcase
Well, Dog, with no valid id you're not going to get anywhere, are you? However do you manage down the local tip?

The first time I wrote that it came out as "how do you mage down the tip", which actually might be more appropriate.
 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - sooty123
>> do you manage down the local tip?

Not all councils ask for ID at the tip. Lived in several council areas never been asked once that i can remember.
 Man without brain versus Crocodile. - Dog
I went to the 'recycling centre' this week (with all those leaves!!) funnily enuff = No ID required.
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