Motoring Discussion > Illusion of safety Miscellaneous
Thread Author: J Bonington Jagworth Replies: 4

 Illusion of safety - J Bonington Jagworth
A worrying alternative to speedbumps:

I wanted to say 'only in America' but it's in Canada, unfortunately. BC, too...
 Illusion of safety - Old Navy
Too late JBJ, see "The future of road policing". :)
 Illusion of safety - J Bonington Jagworth
Thanks, ON. I thought it might be here, but I didn't spot it - sorry.

I meant to include a hat-tip to Dick Puddlecote, whose blog I found it on. He's good at spotting loony tendencies, but don't read if your blood pressure is already elevated. Today's piece has a transport theme...
 Illusion of safety - MD
I like him that D Puddle something. Saved to bookmarks
 Illusion of safety - J Bonington Jagworth
Glad you do, too, MD. There are quite a few politically incorrect bloggers out there who would give our political masters heart failure if they bothered to read them, I feel...
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