Motoring Discussion > An accident waiting to happen. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: crocks Replies: 3

 An accident waiting to happen. - crocks
The following link gives live pictures of a pedestian crossing in NW London.

It is very disturbing to watch as the pedestians behave badly and the drivers aren't much better.

- Pedestrians standing at the crossing and then when the cars stop decide they don't want to cross.
- Pedestrians getting half way across and then turning round.
- Cars forcing their way between people on the crossing.
- Motorbikes overtaking stationary cars and weaving through the pedestrians.
- And people standing in the middle of the road, with their back to approaching traffic, taking photos.

A few days ago I was watching it in the rain and some of the near misses were truly frightening.
 An accident waiting to happen. - BobbyG
lots of people crossing it and then returning ...... :)
 An accident waiting to happen. - bhoywonder
Just watched a couple play chicken with a bus. Crazy!!!
 An accident waiting to happen. - BiggerBadderDave
It's been going on for 30 years. When's the accident going to happen?
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