Motoring Discussion > 60 Reg Plates Miscellaneous
Thread Author: BobbyG Replies: 62

 60 Reg Plates - BobbyG
As the new registrations come out today, and this is a motoring forum, and nothing has been mentioned about it, so I thought I would.

Seen one yet?
 60 Reg Plates - RattleandSmoke
Oh damn just realised my car isn't brand new any more! :( I may need to find £6400 for a 60 plate one!
 60 Reg Plates - Old Navy
Me too. :(

I think I will keep mine for about 4 1/2 years or so, just to get some use for the depreciation of course.
 60 Reg Plates - R.P.
Took my wife's MX5 in for its first service this morning - a large multi franchise dealer fro VW/Seat/Audi/Mazda and Mitsubishi, strangely bereft of 60 plates - perhaps they'd all gone before I arrived....
 60 Reg Plates - wazza
Talking to a volvo dealer today, he told me he was busy delivering the 60 reg on trade plate yesterday.
 60 Reg Plates - R.P.
Probably the reason - it's quite a slick dealership, we collected the MX5 from them twelve months to the day....
 60 Reg Plates - Perky Penguin
Years ago there was all this stupidity of dealers opening up at midnight so people could pick up their cars one minute into the new plate date. I must being getting old, if I was getting a new car I'd pick it up, or have it delivered in normal working hours
 60 Reg Plates - Old Navy
The last time SWMBO bought a new car it was delivered on trade plates a couple of days before the plate change, it even had a bunch of flowers on the back seat. It sat on the drive as it was not insured until the first of whatever month it was.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Wed 1 Sep 10 at 19:46
 60 Reg Plates - Iffy
Saw a 60-plate Honda Civic in Durham City at lunchtime today.

Might not have noticed it, but its bright red paint really shone in the bright sunshine.

 60 Reg Plates - diddy1234
I don't know about other areas of the UK but here in north Hertfordshire there are very few 59 reg cars.

I won't be surprised if I do not see any 60 reg cars for a while.
 60 Reg Plates - Runfer D'Hills
I drove 190 miles today and didn't see one but I was up north.....

 60 Reg Plates - Robin O'Reliant
Down here the first ones will be appearing in about 2015.
 60 Reg Plates - RattleandSmoke
Loads of ten plates here in Manchester, I would go as far as saying 1 in 10 ten cars are ten plates. A 59 plates do seem a lot rarer for some reason as they are scrappage too.

New car sales have eased off now so I suspect there won't be as many 60 plates.
 60 Reg Plates - Runfer D'Hills
The reg which might be rare in due course is the "13" plate due in 2013. I'm not superstitious but I wouldn't want one, especially on a green car.......

 60 Reg Plates - R.P.
So a green Scenic on a 13 plate would a thrice times nay...
 60 Reg Plates - Runfer D'Hills
You nearly used the "E" word didn't you.....tic tic tic........? NURSE !
 60 Reg Plates - R.P.
Near miss - but close enough !
 60 Reg Plates - Bromptonaut
Yet to see a 60 but then I wasn't looking.

The 10 plates are particularly conspicuous appearing at a glance to be composed entirely of letters. Enthusiasts for scrabble or anagrams must have field day!!

I presume those spelling words such as CLIO or BRIO are reserved for later sale through select registrations.
 60 Reg Plates - rtj70
I didn't see many 10 plates until around 2 months ago and now lots. And in Manchester the prefix is from all over. I do wonder if there were a lot of pre-reg cars that got sold since June.
 60 Reg Plates - Dave_
>> I presume those spelling words such as CLIO or BRIO are reserved for later sale through select registrations

Not sure about "later" sale, I've seen a couple of CL10s and three or four PO10s over the last few months.

Not seen a 60 on the road yet, but the Motors Coalville showroom was wedged full of them over the weekend. I wonder how many will be pre-reg to bump the figures up? The local rag is already advertising them as Nearly New, Delivery Miles Only.
 60 Reg Plates - R.P.
.....I had to pay for my own coffee there - standards etc.
 60 Reg Plates - Robin O'Reliant
It has never been the same since the annual letter change disappeared. Every September new plate spotting became an obsession for many, and people were defined by whether they drove an R plate or an S for example.

Few people even notice now.
 60 Reg Plates - nice but dim
I have very strong memories as a child sitting on my nans wall looking out for J reg cars (90's not 70's)
Last edited by: nice but dim on Wed 1 Sep 10 at 23:01
 60 Reg Plates - Dave_
I was sat sitting on the wall of the (old) petrol station on the A1 at the Sandy roundabout at around 00:20 on 1st August 1993. I know this because I got chatting to a chap who'd just picked up his shiny L reg Cavalier V6 from Watkins in Biggleswade. He told me he was unable to rev it above (I think) 4000rpm until it was run in, but that still equated to 124mph...
 60 Reg Plates - Boxsterboy
Quite a few 60 plates at the Merc. dealer this morning (took car in for 'free' MOT).

{Thread creep alert ON} They also had an SLS in the showroom with 'Sold' stuck on it. I commented to the service advisor on how big the front brake discs were (they fill the large wheels). He said that for a laugh they had looked through the parts prices. New pair of 'normal' (not ceramic) brake discs? £3,000. New bonnet? £7,000. It's a different world! {Thread creep alert OFF}
 60 Reg Plates - Notdoctorchris
I stopped at traffic lights yesterday behind a 60 reg, sporty looking Megane with twin tail pipes. It set off at well over the 30mph limit onto a road well known to frequently have a mobile speed camera on it.
The brand new car smelled awful, burning something-or-other. Not sure if it came off brakes, engine or exhaust.
 60 Reg Plates - Snakey
Saw a new 60 plate Nissan Juke this morning, really caught my eye. Nice looking car!
 60 Reg Plates - WillDeBeest
Two so far for me, both on the M4 today. This morning was a Honda Insight, looking clean and cutting-edge in American-teeth white - much better styled than the fussy Civic and Accord we've discussed elsewhere.

At home time was a Saab 9-3, which was a reassuring surprise because I wasn't sure anyone was still selling - let alone buying - new Saabs.

Still find the 'new' registration system inelegant verging on absurd. Never mind - only another forty years of it left.
 60 Reg Plates - R.P.
They missed a golden opportunity to do a proper job of overhauling the whole registration process -
 60 Reg Plates - bathtub tom
>> They missed a golden opportunity to do a proper job of overhauling the whole registration
>> process

Nah, they procrastinated!

Put it off for forty years, then let's see what the situation is.
 60 Reg Plates - Avant
On the way back from Hove today - a Honda Civic and a London taxi, which had presumably got off to a good start with a Gatwick run.

I seem to remember that the Government of the day got representatives from the motor industry together to discuss what should happen after Y-reg, and they all disagreed. This rather unmemorable system was the best they could agree on.
 60 Reg Plates - idle_chatterer
>> This rather unmemorable system was the best they could agree on.

The motor industry likes the sales 'surge' at change times and wanted 2 per year to make their life easier, the govt wanted to be able to create 'cherished' (sic) registrations which people would be prepared to pay extra for so we got this ludicrous system.

I haven't see any 60 registrations yet, perhaps people are conserving their cash ?

 60 Reg Plates - rtj70
Finally saw one on the way to Bolton today. Silver Octavia. Made me think I won't get one of them next year. I like the inside but the outside is pretty boring. Seen quite a few A5 Sportbacks in the last few weeks. Nice. But will cost me.
 60 Reg Plates - Robin O'Reliant
We probably don't notice many of the new plates as the pass unless we're looking specifically. They just don't catch the eye like the letter used to.
 60 Reg Plates - RichardW
In another 40 years, they will just reverse the system, eg KZF 52SO....

So any decision on a replacement will not be required to 2100.....

Still not seen a '60'
 60 Reg Plates - Runfer D'Hills
Seen a few today on M6 / M5

Transit Van
Jag XF
Octavia estate
Audi S5
 60 Reg Plates - RichardW
Saw a driving school car I'm pretty sure was on a 60.

Realisedthere are 2 further combinations of the current plate: 52 KZF SO and 52 SO KZF. So we're alright till 2200. See all of us out then!
 60 Reg Plates - Londoner
Saw my first "60" plate today, parked in our road.

A black Audi A5 Sportback. Absolutely gorgeous.

I'm absolutely green with envy and gutted that I don't have the necessary funds to buy one!
 60 Reg Plates - WillDeBeest
I trust you reported the A5's driver to the Black Audi Owners' Club for driving far enough from your bumper to allow you to see his number plate.
 60 Reg Plates - Londoner
>> I trust you reported the A5's driver to the Black Audi Owners' Club for driving
>> far enough from your bumper to allow you to see his number plate.

Although as a BMW driver myself, I think that would be a case of the pot calling the kettle black!
 60 Reg Plates - Badwolf
I saw close to £2million quids' worth of '60' plate vehicles on Tuesday.

I was at the Scania workshops in Preston, dropping off a bus for warranty work and there were eight brand new Scania double deckers gleaming in the sunshine. At nearly £250k a pop, that's a lot of moolah!
 60 Reg Plates - Marc
Been up and down the M4 everyday this week and I still haven't seen a 60 plate. Maybe next week.
 60 Reg Plates - RichardW
Still haven't seen one on the road, apart from a fleeting glimpse of the driving school car... I did see one a trailer this morning - curiously a white Audi - which is similar to the first '10' plate I saw - although this one was a hard top and didn't have a burgundy roof!
 60 Reg Plates - Zhukov
A Peugeot RCZ in a high(est) spec has moved in round the corner from me.

It is white with a black roof and gun metal alloys. It looks loads better in the flesh than in the pictures. An Audi TT parked further along the street looked bland in comparison.

 60 Reg Plates - Redviper
On the 1st of september, M5 Northbound just past Bristol I saw a 60 Plate Landrover Disco, In a horrible browny beige colour IIRC other than that, a nice vehicle in all respects must have cost a fair bit,
 60 Reg Plates - crocks
Still haven't seen any. Maybe a trip to a car showroom is called for.
 60 Reg Plates - mikeyb
Seen 3 so far:-

A friend has a Seat Ibiza FR, and 2 in the car park at work - An A3 and a Yeti
 60 Reg Plates - crocks
Finally seen one!
On a Citroen DS3.
Not quite as ugly in the metal as it appears in the photos.
 60 Reg Plates - RattleandSmoke
Seen lots of 60 plates so far. One on a Panda Active the same as mine funnily enough. Seen several buses with 60 plates.

 60 Reg Plates - rtj70
I've seen more 60 plates than I did the 10 plates when they came out. I saw loads of 10 plates in and around Manchester during the month or two before the new plates... pre-reg I wondered?
 60 Reg Plates - MD
When was 10 and when was 60. I'm confused. Got a 59 car but I can't follow it now.
 60 Reg Plates - Tooslow
We've not had "10" yet.

 60 Reg Plates - rtj70
>> We've not had "10" yet.

Changed my message... We had 10 earlier this year didn't we?
Last edited by: rtj70 on Mon 20 Sep 10 at 18:52
 60 Reg Plates - Tooslow
quite right r, sorry about that. Not paying attention at the back. Conker season y'know :-)

 60 Reg Plates - Old Navy
>> When was 10 and when was 60. I'm confused. Got a 59 car but I
>> can't follow it now.

This has the area and year designators.
 60 Reg Plates - rtj70
I always thought the first plates of the year (1 March–31 August) were the last two digits of the actual year. Second half is the same plus 50. So 2010 becomes 60. 2011 becomes 61 and then 2021 would be 71.


We never had a 50 plate of course because that was the last of the old reg numbers in 2001 (Y).
 60 Reg Plates - nice but dim
We will have a 50 plate in Mar 2050
 60 Reg Plates - Tooslow
I'm expecting to be gone by then.

 60 Reg Plates - nice but dim
...and followed by an '00' plate! There will be no '01' plate.
Last edited by: nice but dim on Mon 20 Sep 10 at 19:12
 60 Reg Plates - MD
The reason I asked my seemingly dim question was that I have only seen maybe 5 or 6 (10) plates and only 1 (60) yesterday passing the house, on a Motorbike. Money must be tight.

 60 Reg Plates - RattleandSmoke
Loads of then plates in South Manchester, in fact its one of the most common registrations but I may just notice them more as I have one myself.
 60 Reg Plates - rtj70
>> in fact its one of the most common registrations

So you see more 10 plate cars than any other plate? You sure?
 60 Reg Plates - RattleandSmoke
I see more 10 plates than any plate past 56 I am pretty sure of that. There dosn't seem to be that many 7, 8 or 9 plates but they were issues in the middle of when the recession started.

I suspect the 10 plates may be a lot of scrappage cars.

Its a bit like N and M plates are still quite common, there must have been loads and loads of cars registered then but H and J have always been a bit rarer, of course they were issues in the early 90's recession.

It will be interesting to see the sales figures to see if it is just my imagination but then different areas have completly different demographics too. I've always noticed the cars are often a lot older and of budget brand in North Wales for example. They used to be a huge amount of Ladas compared to Manchester.

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